
This section describes the operations that are used to work with a table. A table is used to display data in regular reports, express reports, or workbooks. The operations enable the user to get table data and parameters, change and save them.


  Operation Brief description
DelTabRangeComment The DelTabRangeComment operation deletes table cell comments.
GetNumberFormatValues The GetNumberFormatValues method formats values in accordance with the specified format.
GetTabFormatCondition The GetTabFormatCondition operation gets conditional format settings for cell range.
GetTabFormatConditions The GetTabFormatConditions operation gets settings of conditional formats specified for analytical data area table.
GetTabObjectSettings The GetTabObjectSettings operation gets table object settings.
GetTabRangeComment The GetTabRangeComment operation gets a comment specified for a cell.
GetTabSheetDisplayPaper The GetTabSheetDisplayPaper operation gets page border display settings.
GetTabRangeMetaData The GetTabRangeMetaData operation gets cell range metadata.
ResizeTabObjects The ResizeTabObjects operation resizes table objects.
SetTabFormatCondition The SetTabFormatCondition operation changes conditional format settings for cell range.


The SetTabFormatConditions operation changes settings of conditional formats for analytical data area table.


The SetTabObjectSettings operation changes table object settings.


The SetTabRangeComment operation adds a new or changes the existing cell comment.


The SetTabSheetDisplayPaper operation changes page border display settings.

TabDeleteColumns The TabDeleteColumns operation deletes table columns.
TabDeleteRows The TabDeleteRows operation deletes table rows.
TabFilterItemSearch The TabFilterItemSearch operation searches for elements in the autofilter that was set up for table.
TabFormatConditionsAdd The TabFormatConditionsAdd operation creates a new conditional format for cell range.
TabFormatConditionsClear The TabFormatConditionsClear operation deletes all conditional formats for cell range.
TabFormatConditionsMove The TabFormatConditionsMove operation moves conditional formats.
TabFormatConditionsRemove The TabFormatConditionsRemove operation removes conditional format of cell range.
TabGetImages The TabGetImages operation gets the collection of table images.
TabInsertColumns The TabInsertColumns operation adds columns to table.
TabInsertRows The TabInsertRows operation adds rows to table.
TabLoadImage The TabLoadImage operation loads a new image to table.
TabObjectsCopy The TabObjectsCopy operation copies table objects.
TabObjectsCut The TabObjectsCut operation cuts table objects.
TabObjectsDelete The TabObjectsDelete operation deletes table objects.
TabObjectsPaste The TabObjectsPaste operation pastes copied table objects.


The TabParseFormula operation parses a formula.

TabRangeClear The TabRangeClearArg operation clears the specified element of a cell range.
TabRangeCopy The TabRangeCopy operation copies cell range contents.
TabRangeCut The TabRangeCut operation cuts cell range contents.
TabRangeDelete The TabRangeDelete operation deletes cell range with shifting of other table elements.
TabRangeInsert The TabRangeInsert operation inserts cell range with shifting of other table elements.
TabRangeMerge The TabRangeMerge operation merges table cell range.
TabRangePaste The TabRangePaste operation pastes copied data to cell range.
TabRangeUnmerge The TabRangeUnmerge operation unmerges table cell range.
TabSheetPageBreaks The TabSheetPageBreaks operation manages sheet page breaks.
TabValidateFormula The TabValidateFormula operation checks expression used in conditional format.
TabValidateFormulaArgument The TabValidateFormulaArgument operation checks arguments used in functions.
ValidateFormatNumber The ValidateFormatNumber operation checks if the specified custom format can be used in table cells.

Operations for working with styles of specific table elements:

  Operation Brief description
AddTabTableStyle The AddTabTableStyle operation adds a standard style to the collection and applies it to the selected area.
ChangeTabTableStyleByName The ChangeTabTableStyleByName operation changes settings of a style with the specified name.
CopyTabTableStyleToRange The CopyTabTableStyleToRange operation copies style and applies its copy to a call range.
GetTabPredefinedStyles The GetTabPredefinedStyles operation gets predefined table styles.
GetTabTableStyle The GetTabTableStyle operation gets table area formatting style parameters.
GetTabTableStylePreview The GetTabTableStylePreview operation gets preview images of table styles and table style element.
GetStyle The GetStyle operation gets formatting style for the specified table area displaying an analytical data area.
RemoveTabTableStyle The RemoveTabTableStyle operation removes the styles applied to the selected area.
RemoveTabTableStyleByName The RemoveTabTableStyleByName operation removes style by its name.
SetTabTableStyle The SetTabTableStyle operation sets and clears standard style in table area.
SetStyle The SetStyle operation changes formatting style for the specified table area displaying an analytical data area.

See also:

Interactive Visual Components