

bool SetTabTableStyle(string mon, TabTableStyle tArg)


mon. Moniker for working with table area formatting style.

tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The SetTabTableStyle operation sets and clears standard style in table area.


To execute the operation, in the mon field specify table area moniker. The moniker is specified in the following format: Regular report instance moniker!DataArea!DataSources!data source key!DataSourceSlices!slice key!Views!table key!EaxTableStyle!TableStyle.

The operation results in the logical True if the style changed successfully.


Below is the example of setting a standard style for a table data area. The request contains moniker for working with table data area styles and the style to be set. The response contains whether the style is applied successfully.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<SetTabTableStyle xmlns="">
<tArg xmlns="">
  <Name />

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
  <SetTabTableStyleResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">1</SetTabTableStyleResult>

JSON request:

"SetTabTableStyle" :
"tArg" :
"Name" : "",
"PredefinedStyle" : "ExtRedStriped"

JSON response:

"SetTabTableStyleResult" : "1"
public static bool SetTabTableStyle(string moniker, uint sourceKey, uint sliceKey, uint viewKey, TabTablePredefinedStyle setStyle)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tSet = new SetTabTableStyle()
mon = moniker + "!DataArea!DataSources!" + sourceKey.ToString() + "!DataSourceSlices!" + sliceKey.ToString() + "!Views!" + viewKey.ToString() + "!EaxTableStyle!TableStyle",
tArg = new TabTableStyle()
Name = "",
PredefinedStyle = setStyle
// Change table area style
var result = somClient.SetTabTableStyle(tSet);
return result;

See also:

Table: Operations