

TabFilterItemResult TabFilterItemSearch(TabSheetId tTabSheet, TabFilterItemSearchArg tArg)


tTabSheet. Table moniker.

tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The TabFilterItemSearch operation searches for elements in the autofilter that was set up for table.


The operation executes quick search among a number of elements. To execute the operation, in the tTabSheet field specify table moniker, in the tArg.filterItemIndex field specify index of the column, by which search is executed, and in the tArg.text field specify the searched text. The moniker can be based on the moniker of opened object instance, which table is worked with.

The operation results in the set of elements found in the autofilter.


Below is the example of searching elements in the autofilter. The request contains moniker for working with table and search options. The response contains the set of found elements.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<TabFilterItemSearch xmlns="">
<tTabSheet xmlns="">
<tArg xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<TabFilterItemSearchResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="" LimitValues="0" EmptyValuesInRange="0">
<FilterValues xmlns="">
  <Value Name="Rate of change of industrial output" State="1" />
  <Value Name="Rate of growth (decrease) of financial income per capita, % to previous period" State="1" />
  <Value Name="Rate of growth (decrease) of financial income per capita, % to corresponding month of previous year" State="1" />
  <Value Name="Rate of growth (decrease) of consumption expenditures per capita, % to previous period" State="1" />
  <Value Name="Rate of growth (decrease) of consumption expenditures per capita, % to corresponding month of previous year" State="1" />

JSON request:

"TabFilterItemSearch" :
"tTabSheet" :
"id" : "S1!M!S!P1!1"
"tArg" :
"filterItemIndex" : "1",
"text" : "Rate"

JSON response:

"TabFilterItemSearchResult" :
"@EmptyValuesInRange" : "0",
"@LimitValues" : "0",
"FilterValues" :
"Value" :
"@Name" : "Rate of change of industrial output",
"@State" : "1"
"@Name" : "Rate of growth (decrease) of financial income per capita, % to previous period",
"@State" : "1"
"@Name" : "Rate of growth (decrease) of financial income per capita, % to corresponding month of previous year",
"@State" : "1"
"@Name" : "Rate of growth (decrease) of consumption expenditures per capita, % to previous period",
"@State" : "1"
"@Name" : "Rate of growth (decrease) of consumption expenditures per capita, % to corresponding month of previous year",
"@State" : "1"
public static TabFilterItemResult FilterItemSearch(string moniker, int columnIndex, string textSearch)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tTab = new TabFilterItemSearch()
tArg = new TabFilterItemSearchArg()
filterItemIndex = columnIndex,
text = textSearch
tTabSheet = new TabSheetId() { id = moniker }
// Search elements
var result = somClient.TabFilterItemSearch(tTab);
return result;

See also:
