Working with Processes

This section contains description of the operations that are used to work with the Process repository object.


Operations used for opening and building a process:

  Operation Brief description
GetBpmGateway The GetBpmGateway operation gets settings of the gateway created within a stage.
GetBpmProcessParams The GetBpmProcessParams operation gets a list of process parameters.
GetBpmProcessSettings The GetBpmProcessSettings operation gets process settings.
GetBpmWorkspace The GetBpmWorkspace operation gets information about process structure.
OpenBpmProcess The OpenBpmProcess operation opens a process.
SaveBpmProcess The SaveBpmProcess operation saves changes in a process.
SetBpmProcessSettings The SetBpmProcessSettings operation changes process settings.

Operations used for working with separate process steps:

  Operation Brief description
GetBpmSegmentInfo The GetBpmSegmentInfo operation gets data segment settings for process step.
GetBpmSegmentsForSteps The GetBpmSegmentsForSteps operation gets information about the segments that can be used in a step.
GetBpmStep The GetBpmStep operation gets process step settings.
GetSubprocessGroupFilter The GetSubprocessGroupFilter operation gets filtering settings for subprocess group call.
SetBpmSegmentsInfo The SetBpmSegmentsInfo operation changes data segment settings for process step.
SetSubprocessGroupFilter The SetSubprocessGroupFilter operation changes filtering settings for subprocess group call.


The SetBpmStep operation changes process step settings.

Operations used for starting and monitoring processes:

  Operation Brief description
GetActiveProcesses The GetActiveProcesses operation gets information about the processes currently executed in repository.
GetBpmMonitoringWorkspace The GetBpmMonitoringWorkspace operation gets information about process structure during its execution.
GetBpmProcessStartInfo The GetBpmProcessStartInfo operation gets settings, with which a process can be started.
GetBpmStepOperations The GetBpmStepOperations operation gets a list of operations available for step of executed process instance.
GetProcessInstances The GetProcessInstances operation gets a list of executed process instances.
OpenMonitoringWS The OpenMonitoringWS operation gets URL of the page with process instance execution monitoring.
StartBpmProcess The StartBpmProcess operation starts process for execution.

Operations used for business process work administration:

  Operation Brief description
GetBpmProcAdministration The GetBpmProcAdministration operation gets administration settings for business processes.
SetBpmProcAdministration The SetBpmProcAdministration operation changes business process administration settings.

See also:

Web Service Operations