

BpmStep GetBpmStep(BpmProcessId tBpmProcess, BpmStepArg tBpmStepArg)


tBpmProcess. Moniker of opened process instance.

tBpmStepArg. Operation execution parameters.


The GetBpmStep operation gets process step settings.


To execute the operation, in the tBpmProcess field specify moniker of opened process instance, and in the tBpmStepArg field specify get settings parameters. The moniker can be obtained after executing the OpenBpmProcess operation. In the tBpmStepArg.bindOpt.optType field specify the settings that should be obtained. In the tBpmStepArg.guid field specify step unique identifier if all settings were already saved. The unique identifier can be obtained in execution results of the GetBpmWorkspace operation. If one works with the unsaved step, use the tBpmStepArg.objBind, tBpmStepArg.bindKey, tBpmStepArg.stepType fields to specify the object used in the step, and which settings should be obtained.

The operation results in the obtained step settings.


Below is the example of getting bindings of parameters of the object used in the step to process parameters. The request contains moniker of opened step instance and step unique identifier. The response contains the obtained bindings.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetBpmStep xmlns="">
<tBpmProcess xmlns="">
<tBpmStepArg xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetBpmStepResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <isEnabled xmlns="">0</isEnabled>
  <name xmlns="" />
  <type xmlns="">Generic</type>
  <index xmlns="">0</index>
  <guid xmlns="" />
<prmsData xmlns="">
  <name>Parameter 0</name>

JSON request:

"GetBpmStep" :
"tBpmProcess" :
"tBpmStepArg" :
"guid" : "{0CF6521D-F5DB-48EB-A310-3897914390A6}",
"bindOpt" :
"optType" : "Links"

JSON response:

"GetBpmStepResult" :
"isEnabled" : "0",
"name" : "",
"type" : "Generic",
"index" : "0",
"guid" : "",
"prmsData" :
"prmsBinds" :
"it" :
"type" : "Linked",
"linkedId" : "OBJ338159_0",
"name" : "Parameter 0",
"bindKey" : "PARAM0"
"linkDim" :
"it" :
"dimKey" : "338159",
"dimId" : "OBJ338159_0"
public static BpmStep GetBpmStep(string moniker, string stepGUID, BpmStepOptionType optionType = BpmStepOptionType.Base)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetBpmStep()
tBpmProcess = new BpmProcessId() { id = moniker },
tBpmStepArg = new BpmStepArg()
bindOpt = new BpmBindingParamOption()
optType = optionType
guid = stepGUID
// Get information about step
var result = somClient.GetBpmStep(tGet);
return result;

See also:

Working with Processes