

GetBpmProcAdministrationResult GetBpmProcAdministration(OdId tObject, BpmProcAdministrationPageArg tPage)


tObject. Business Processes component moniker.

tPage. Operation execution parameters.


The GetBpmProcAdministration operation gets administration settings for business processes.


This operation should be executed for the Business Processes component (the identifier: BPM_COMPONENT). The operation should be executed by the user who is a repository database (schema) owner or is included in the Administrators group.

To execute the operation, in the tObject field specify moniker of the Business Processes component, and in the tPage field specify the section with administration settings that should be obtained. The moniker can be obtained on executing the GetObjects operation.

The operation results in the obtained administration settings.


Below is the example of getting settings of business process work scheduler. The request contains moniker of the Business Process component and type of obtained settings. The response contains the obtained settings.

The C# example uses the FindObjectById function, which code is given in the Getting Object Description by Its Identifier example.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetBpmProcAdministration xmlns="">
<tObject xmlns="">
<tPage xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetBpmProcAdministrationResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <res xmlns="">1</res>
<prAdmInf xmlns="">

JSON request:

"GetBpmProcAdministration" :
"tObject" :
"tPage" :
"page" : "Sch"

JSON response:

"GetBpmProcAdministrationResult" :
"res" : "1",
"prAdmInf" :
"schInf" :
"clEx" : "0",
"biInf" :
"servEx" : "0"
"srvExecInf" :
"taskCnt" : "5",
"taskIntrv" : "5",
"deadF" : "1",
"deadInterv" : "15"
public static GetBpmProcAdministrationResult GetBpmProcAdministration(MbId mb)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetBpmProcAdministration()
tObject = new OdId() { id = + "!" + FindObjectById(mb, "BPM_COMPONENT").k },
tPage = new BpmProcAdministrationPageArg()
page = BpmProcAdministrationInfoPage.Sch
// Get scheduler settings
var result = somClient.GetBpmProcAdministration(tGet);
return result;

See also:

Working with Processes