Exporting Technical Logs

To export technical logs in the Kibana application:

  1. Enable access to Kibana on the cluster created based on Kubernetes, using the command:

oc port-forward deployment/fmp-kibana 5601:5601 -n fmp

NOTE. If a fault-tolerant cluster is not created, skip this step.

  1. Open the Kibana administrator panel and go to the Discover section on the side panel.

To open the administrator panel

  1. If required, set up log filtering, create patterns and/or use the search box to export a specific logs. After this save the changes using the Save button in the main menu. The fmp* pattern is used by default, it contains all Docker containers:

  1. Select the Share > CSV Reports > Generate CSV main menu item. After this, a message about generation of log file in the *.csv format is displayed.

  1. Download the generated *.csv file in one of the ways:

After executing the operations, a file with technical logs will be downloaded in the *.csv format.

To decrypt logs, see the Checking Technical Logs and System in Kibana section.

See also:

Checking Technical Logs and System in Kibana