Constrained Optimal Control Problem

The process of setting a specific optimal control problem involves a number of steps:

NOTE. To solve optimal control problem taking into account constraints, execute integration with LPSolve.

Depending on the phenomenon type and required level of detail, various types of equations can be used to generate a mathematical model: ordinary, differential, equations with aftereffect, stochastic equations, partial differential equations, and so on.

Object state depends on the control. Optimal control is selected to optimize criterion function of the problem.

It should be noted that the problems of optimizing socio-economic system development are included into the class of discrete dynamic control problems. Depending on the problem and on retrospective data availability, a month or a year can be used as the frequency step.

Non-linear Optimal Control Problem

Generally, a non-linear optimal control problem can be represented as follows: the state of the controlled object at the time moment t is described with the phase coordinates vector x(t) and the control u(t). Thus, the process is completely determined if the control u(t) (when t0, where t0 - the initial moment in time) and the initial phase state xx(t0) are defined.

Input parameters:

Output parameters:

Consider an example of a simple problem for = 4.

Solution: the problem reduces to an equivalent non-linear programming problem. There are two ways of finding the solution:

Optimization: the obtained problem satisfies conditions of a non-linear programming problem regarding controlling variables U. It includes a criterion function and variables restricted with constraints of any kind. The following three optimization methods are implemented:

Linear Optimal Control Problem

This is a special case of non-linear problem, but all expressions of a linear problem are linear. This enables the user to apply linear optimization method for finding the solution.

Similar to a non-linear problem, a linear problem includes criterion function, a set of equations that describe the dynamics and state of phase variables, and constraints imposed on phase and controlled variables.

Introduce the notations:

System dynamics is described with an autoregression equation system:

X(t) = A1X(t-1) + ··· + ApX(t-p) + B0U(t) + B1U(t-1) + ··· +BqU(t-q), where t = 1…T

System's state at the time moment t depends on the p previous states, current control U(t), and on q previous controls.

It is required to optimize the linear function F(XT,UT) → extr subject to the following constraints:

And with the defined initial values: X(0), X(-1), …, X(-p+1), U(0), U(-1), …, U(-q+1)

In accordance with the criterion function, the problem is optimized due to finding such values of controlling variables that minimize the criterion function.

See also:

Library of Methods and Models | ICpLinearOptimization | ICpNonLinearOptimization