
Assembly: Cp;


The ICpNonLinearOptimization interface contains properties and methods of non-linear optimization.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To create an object executing non-linear optimization, use the NonLinearOptimization class.


  Property name Brief description
The CallbackCycle property determines the handler that is used to calculate controlling variables.
The Constraints property returns constraints of non-linear optimization.
The CriterionFunction property determines a criterion function.
The DifferEvolutionParams property determines parameters of differential evolution method.
The Equations property determines equations of non-linear optimization.
The Explanatories property returns the collection of explanatory (scenario) variables.
The MaxIterationsCount property determines the maximum number of iterations, within which the solution should be found.
The MethodType property determines a method of solution search.
The NodesCount property determines the number of intervals for dividing the range, which is defined for controlling variables.
The Tolerance property determines accuracy of solution.
The Variables property returns variables of non-linear optimization.
The VariablesCalculationTechnique property determines a phase variables calculation method.

Properties inherited from ICpMethod

  Property name Brief description
Extremum The Extremum property determines the type of extremum, which will be searched for when finding optimal value.

Methods inherited from ICpMethod

  Method name Brief description
Evaluate The Evaluate method calculates the method.

See also:

Cp Assembly Interfaces | Optimal Control Problem Considering Constraints