Explanatories: INonLinearExplanatories;
The Explanatories property returns the collection of explanatory (scenario) variables.
Collection elements are implemented with the INonLinearExplanatory interface. Values of each variable must be assigned before method is calculated.
See below description of the procedure that sets all necessary parameters for calculation by method of non-linear optimization. Using two explanatory variables: "i" and "j", for each of which value and coefficients are determined.
To execute the example, add a link to the Cp system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
Optima: NonLinearOptimization;
Vars: INonLoVariables; //variables list
Vrbl: INonLoVariable; //variable
VarConstr: IVarConstraint; //variable constraint
VarConstrs: IVarConstraints; //list of variable constraints
RetroX1: Array[3] Of Double;
RetroX2: Array[3] Of Double;
RetroU: Array[3] Of Double;
RetroV: Array[3] Of Double;
ValuesI: Array[4] Of Double;
Funstions: Array[2] Of String;
Res: INonLoResults;
TimeInterval: Integer;
s: String;
ci: ICultureInfo;
j, i: Integer;
val: Double;
Expl: INonLinearExplanatory;
Optima := New NonLinearOptimization.Create;
// Set variables values
RetroX1[0] := 2; RetroX2[0] := 1;
RetroX1[1] := 2.1; RetroX2[1] := 0.9;
RetroX1[2] := 2.2; RetroX2[2] := 0;
RetroU[0] := 1; RetroV[0] := 0.5;
RetroU[1] := 1.5; RetroV[1] := 0.75;
RetroU[2] := 0; RetroV[2] := 0;
// Set the x1 variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("x1");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroX1;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrder := "x1[t];x1[t-1];x1[t-2];x1[t-3]";
VarConstrs := Vrbl.Constraints;
// Set restrictions on the x1 variable
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -101;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 101;
VarConstr.Lag := 3;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -102;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 102;
VarConstr.Lag := 2;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -10030;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 10030;
VarConstr.Lag := 1;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -13040;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 13040;
VarConstr.Lag := 0;
// Set the x2 variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("x2");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroX2;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrder := "x2[t];x2[t-1];x2[t-2]";
VarConstrs := Vrbl.Constraints;
// Set restrictions on the x2 variable
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -201;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 201;
VarConstr.Lag := 3;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -202;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 202;
VarConstr.Lag := 2;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -203;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 203;
VarConstr.Lag := 1;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -12040;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 12040;
VarConstr.Lag := 0;
// Set the "u" controlling variable and restrictions on it
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("u");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroU;
Vrbl.ControlVariable := True;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrder := "u[t];u[t-1]";
VarConstrs := Vrbl.Constraints;
For i := 0 To 3 Do
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := 0;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 1;
VarConstr.Lag := i;
End For;
// Set the "v" controlling variable and restrictions on it
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("v");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroV;
Vrbl.ControlVariable := True;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrder := "v[t];v[t-1]";
VarConstrs := Vrbl.Constraints;
For i := 0 To 3 Do
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := 0.8;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 4;
VarConstr.Lag := i;
End For;
// Set the "i" explanatory series
Expl := Optima.Explanatories.Add;
Expl.VariableName := "i";
Expl.CoefficientsOrder := "i[t]";
ValuesI := New Double[4];
ValuesI[0] := 11;
ValuesI[1] := 11;
ValuesI[2] := 11;
ValuesI[3] := 11;
Expl.Series := ValuesI;
// Set the "j" explanatory series
Expl := Optima.Explanatories.Add;
Expl.VariableName := "j";
Expl.CoefficientsOrder := "j[t]";
ValuesI := New Double[4];
ValuesI[0] := -1;
ValuesI[1] := -1;
ValuesI[2] := -1;
ValuesI[3] := -1;
Expl.Series := ValuesI;
// Set phase variables calculation method
Optima.VariablesCalculationTechnique := StateVariablesCalculationTechniqueType.IterativeCalculation;
// Set equations and criterion function of non-linear optimization
Funstions := New string[2];
Funstions[0] := "0.3 * x1[t-1] + 0.1 * x2[t-2] + u[t-1] * x1[t-1] *x2[t-1] + i[t]+j[t]";
Funstions[1] := "-0.2 * x1[t-1] + 0.4 *x2[t-1] + (x1[t-1] * x2[t-2])/v[t-1]+i[t]+j[t]";
Optima.Equations := Funstions;
Optima.CriterionFunction := "x1[t] * x1[t] - x1[t] * x2[t]+i[t]+j[t]";
// Set optimization method and other parameters
TimeInterval := 4;
Optima.NodesCount := 2;
Optima.MaxIterationsCount := 150;
Optima.MethodType := CpNonLinearMethodType.SequentialQP;
Optima.Tolerance := 0.05;
Optima.Extremum := ExtremumType.Maximum;
// Calculate
Res := Optima.Evaluate(TimeInterval) As INonLoResults;
If Res.Status = 0 Then
// Display results
s := "Optimal value: " + Res.OptimalValue.ToString;
s := " ";
For j := 1 To Vars.Count Do
Vrbl := Vars.Item(j - 1);
s := s + Vrbl.Id + " ";
End For;
ci := CultureInfo.Current;
For i := 1 To TimeInterval Do
s := "t=" + i.ToString + ", ";
For j := 1 To Vars.Count Do
Vrbl := Vars.Item(j - 1);
Val := Res.VarValues(Vrbl.Id)[i - 1];
s := s + ci.FormatDoublePrec(Val, 6) + ", ";
End For;
End For;
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the calculation results are displayed in the console window:
Optimal value: 1249.3495956170168
x1 x2 u v
t=1, 12,690000, 13,600000, 0,000000, 4,000000,
t=2, 13,907000, 16,074500, 0,000000, 4,000000,
t=3, 15,532100, 60,932200, 0,000000, 4,000000,
t=4, 16,267080, 93,684352, 0,000000, 0,800000,
See also: