Cp Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
ICallbackCycle The ICallbackCycle interface is used for custom calculation of controlling variables of non-linear optimization.
ICpLinearDecomposition The ICpLinearDecomposition interface contains properties and methods of linear equations system.
ICpLinearOptimization The ICpLinearOptimization interface contains properties and methods of linear optimization.
ICpMethod The ICpMethod interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with optimization methods. This interface is basic for all optimization methods.
ICpNonLinearDecomposition The ICpNonLinearDecomposition interface contains properties and methods for calculation of non-linear equations system.
ICpNonLinearOptimization The ICpNonLinearOptimization interface contains properties and methods of non-linear optimization.
ICpResults The ICpResults interface contains properties to view calculation results.
ICpTargetAdjustment The ICpTargetAdjustment interface is used for criterion problem calculation.
IDifferEvolutionParams The IDifferEvolutionParams interface is used to set up differential evolution method parameters.
ILinDecompResults The ILinDecompResults interface contains properties that are used to work with results of non-linear equations system calculation.
ILoAddend The ILoAddend interface contains properties of summand of linear optimization equation.
ILoAddends The ILoAddends interface contains properties and methods of the collection of summands of linear optimization equation.
ILoConstraint The ILoConstraint interface contains properties that are used to work with linear optimization constraints.
ILoConstraints The ILoConstraints interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of linear optimization constraints.
ILoCriterionFunction The ILoCriterionFunction interface contains properties that are used to work with criterion function of linear optimization.
ILoEquation The ILoEquation interface contains properties of linear optimization equation.
ILoEquations The ILoEquations interface contains properties and methods of the linear optimization equations collection.
ILoResults The ILoResults interface contains properties that are used to work with results of linear optimization method calculation.
ILoVariable The ILoVariable interface contains properties of linear optimization variable.
ILoVariables The ILoVariables interface contains properties and methods of the linear optimization variables collection.
INonLDVariable The INonLDVariable interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the variable included into the system of non-linear equations.
INonLDVariables The INonLDVariables interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of non-linear equations system variables.
INonLinearExplanatories The INonLinearExplanatories interface is used to work with the collection of explanatory variables for non-linear optimization method.
INonLinearExplanatory The INonLinearExplanatory interface is used to work with explanatory variable for non-linear optimization method.
INonLinerCallBack The INonLinerCallBack interface contains methods for organization of callback in non-linear optimization equations.
INonLoConstraint The INonLoConstraint interface contains properties that are used to work with constraints of non-linear optimization.
INonLoConstraints The INonLoConstraints interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of non-linear optimization constraints.
INonLoResults The ILoResults interface contains properties that are used to work with results of non-linear optimization method calculation.
INonLoVariable The INonLoVariable interface contains properties of non-linear optimization variable.
INonLoVariables The INonLoVariables interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of non-linear optimization variables.
ITargetConstraint The ITargetConstraint interface is used to work with non-linear optimization constraint.
ITargetConstraintInfo The ITargetConstraintInfo interface is used to work with non-linear constraint limit value.
ITargetConstraintInfoArray The ITargetConstraintInfoArray interface is used to work with the collection of non-linear constraint limit values.
ITargetConstraints The ITargetConstraints interface is used to work with the collection of non-linear optimization constraints.
ITargetControlVariable The ITargetControlVariable interface is used to work with controlling variable
ITargetControlVariablesArray The ITargetControlVariablesArray interface is used to work with the collection of controlling variables.
ITargetPhaseVariable The ITargetPhaseVariable interface is used to work with phase variable.
ITargetPhaseVariablesArray The ITargetPhaseVariablesArray interface is used to work with the phase variables collection.
IVarTargetConstraint The IVarTargetConstraint interface is used to work with variable constraint.
IVarTargetConstraintsArray The IVarTargetConstraintsArray interface is used to work with the collection of constraints for variable.
ITargetResults The ITargetResults interface is used to work with criterion problem calculation results
IVarConstraint The IVarConstraint interface contains properties that are used to work with constraints of non-linear optimization variable.
IVarConstraints The IVarConstraints interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of non-linear optimization variable constraints.

See also:

Cp Assembly Enumerations | Cp Assembly Classes