
Assembly: Cp;


The ITargetConstraintInfo interface is used to work with non-linear constraint limit value.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with the collection of non-linear constraint limits values, use the ITargetConstraintInfoArray interface.


  Property name Brief description
Include The Include property determines whether constraint border value is active.
LowerBound The LowerBound property determines a constraint lower border value.
LowerBoundFixed The LowerBoundFixed property determines whether constraint lower border is fixed.
LowerBoundLagrangeMultiplier The LowerBoundLagrangeMultiplier property returns Lagrange multiplier for constraint lower border.
LowerConstraintStatus The LowerConstraintStatus property returns status of constraint lower border.
OptimalValue The OptimalValue property returns the value corresponding to optimal solution of criterion function.
TimeMoment The TimeMoment property determines the time interval, which is controlled by constraint.
UpperBound The UpperBound property determines an upper constraint limit.
UpperBoundFixed The UpperBoundFixed property determines whether upper constraint limit is fixed.
UpperBoundLagrangeMultiplier The UpperBoundLagrangeMultiplier property returns Lagrange multiplier for upper constraint limit.
UpperConstraintStatus The UpperConstraintStatus property returns status of upper constraint limit.

See also:

Cp Assembly Interfaces