
Assembly: Visualizators;


The IVZBubbleChart interface is used to work with bubble chart.

Inheritance Hierarchy






  Property name Brief description
AxisX The AxisX property determines X axis of bubble chart area.
AxisY The AxisY property determines Y axis of bubble chart area.
ChartArea The ChartArea property determines a bubble chart area.
Series The Series property determines bubble chart data series.
ShowBubbleHistory The ShowBubbleHistory property determines whether chart bubble movement history is displayed.
ShowBubbleHistoryLabels The ShowBubbleHistoryLabels property determines whether year tooltips are displayed for bubbles on enabled movement history.
ShowHistoryMode The ShowHistoryMode property determines display mode for bubble movement history.
ShowHistoryPreviousStepsOnly The ShowHistoryPreviousStepsOnly property determines whether history is displayed from the current position (year).
TrendLine The TrendLine property determines parameters of bubble chart trend line.
UseZoomOnWheel The UseZoomOnWheel property determines whether it is possible to change zoom of bubble chart on scrolling mouse wheal.

Properties inherited from the IVZDataVisualizer Interface

  Property name Brief description


The DataMappingToLegendAssignment property determines bubble tree data binding to legend.


The HoverActiveEffects property determines effects applied to the hovered element.


The HoverInactiveEffects property determines effects applied to the inactive elements, which are not hovered.


The Index property determines level of the dimension, by which data is selected.


The Legends property determines collection of visualizer legends.


The SelectActiveEffects property determines effects applied to selected elements.


The SelectInactiveEffects property determines effects applied to the inactive elements, which are not selected.


The TimeScale determines visualizer timeline.


The UseSelectOnRightClick property determines whether to select elements on the right mouse button click.

Methods inherited from the IVZDataVisualizer Interface

  Method name Brief description


The LoadFromXml method loads XML parameters of visualizer: style and data.


TheLoadStyleFromXml method loads XML parameters of visualizer style.


The SaveStyleToXml method saves parameters of visualizer style to XML file.


The SaveToXml method saves visualizer parameters to XML file: style and data.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces