
Assembly: Visualizators;


The IVZBaseDataVisualizer interface is used to work with basic settings of visualizer.

Inheritance Hierarchy




It is a basic interface for IVZDataVisualizer.

To get an object used to work with basic settings of visualizer, cast visualizer interface (for example: IVZBubbleTree) to IVZBaseDataVisualizer.


  Property name Brief description
Background The Background property determines brush settings for visualizer background.
EnableAnimating The EnableAnimating property determines whether visualizer animation is enabled.
Formatter The Formatter property returns an object for visualizer data formatting.
IsDirty The IsDirty property determines whether there are changes in visualizer.
IsPrintMode The IsPrintMode determines whether print mode is active.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property returns parameters of undo/redo stack of visualizer settings.

Properties inherited from IVZInteractable

  Property name Brief description
Hover The Hover property returns identifier of highlighted element.
Selection The Selection property determines a list of selected elements.


  Method name Brief description
Draw The Draw method renders visualizer to a graphic object.
GetBitmap The GetBitmap method gets bitmap of visualizer.

Methods inherited from IVZInteractable

  Method name Brief description
SetHover The SetHover method sets element highlighting.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces