IsSeparated: Boolean;
The IsSeparated property determines whether level elements are placed in a separate row or column.
Available values:
True. Level elements are placed in a separate row or column.
False. Level elements are not placed in a separate row or column.
Executing the example requires a form that contains the Button component with the Button1 identifier and the UiReport component with the UiReport1 identifier. A regular report with a configured hierarchy is used as a data source. The example is a handler of the OnClick event for the Button1 component.
Add a link to the Dimensions system assembly.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Rep: IPrxReport;
DIs: IPrxDataIslands;
DI: IPrxDataIsland;
DimModel: IDimensionModel;
DIProp: IPrxDataIslandProperties;
Top: IPrxDataIslandDimension;
Level: IPrxDataIslandLevel;
Rep := UiReport1.Report.Edit;
DIs := Rep.DataIslands;
DI := DIs.Item(0).Edit;
DimModel := DI.Slice.TopHeader.Item(0).Dimension.Dimension;
DIProp := DI.Properties;
Top := DIProp.Dimension(DimModel);
Level := Top.Level(DimModel.Levels.Item(0));
If Not Level.IsSeparated Then
Level.Separated := TriState.OnOption;
End If;
Debug.Write("The Place Level Elements Separately option: ");
Select Case Level.Separated
Case TriState.OnOption:
Debug.WriteLine("is enabled");
Case TriState.OffOption:
Debug.WriteLine("is disabled");
End Select;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example the console window displays result of the checking if level elements are placed in a separate row or column for the set data area columns of regular report.
If the option is enabled, it will be disabled for the first data area columns.
See also: