In this article:
Working with Calculation Algorithm
Working with Calculation Algorithm Objects
Setting Up Calculation Algorithm Parameters
Interfaces of the Algo can be divided into several groups.
Below are schemes of interaction between groups of interfaces.
NOTE. All interface names in the schemes are hyperlinks, click on them to go to detailed description of the interface.
To work with a calculation algorithm use the ICalcAlgorithm interface that interacts with other interfaces using properties and methods.
To work with calculation algorithm objects, use the ICalcObjectsList interface that can be used to get a specific object and change its parameters. Calculation algorithm objects can added, sorted, and deleted.
The interface that is used to work with calculation block, ICalcBlock is a parent of the ICalcValidationBlock interface that is used to work with control block. Use properties and methods of the ICalcBlock interface to go to block settings from other interfaces.
To set up calculation algorithm parameters use the IAlgorithmParameterValues interface that can be used to get the parameters collection and set up a specific parameters of calculation algorithm.
To debug calculation algorithm use the IAlgorithmCalculationDebug interface that can be used to get algorithm calculation result and objects used in calculation.
An algorithm calculation can be executed by means of the IAlgorithmBaseExecutor basic interface that is a parent for the IAlgorithmCalculationExecutor interface. An algorithm can be calculated synchronously or asynchronously when multithreaded calculation is used.
To work with calculation result, use the IAlgorithmCalculationResult and IAlgorithmCalculationAsyncResult interfaces.
See also:
About the Algo Assembly | Algo Assembly Interfaces | Algo Assembly Enumerations