
Assembly: Algo;


The IAlgorithmCalculationDebug interface is used to debug calculation algorithm.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
IsFinished The IsFinished property returns whether algorithm calculation is finished.
Matrix The Matrix property returns the abstract multidimensional data source to get intermediate calculation results for calculation block.
Objects The Objects property returns the list of calculation algorithm objects used during debugging.
PrevObject The PrevObject property returns the previous calculated calculation algorithm object for recalculation.
PrxReport The PrxReport property creates a regular report with data obtained after single object calculation from data consumer.
Result The Result property returns the algorithm calculation result.
UserData The UserData property returns user data connected to calculation algorithm.
ValidationMatrix The ValidationMatrix property returns the abstract multidimensional data source to get intermediate calculation results for control block.


  Method name Brief description
Dispose_ The Dispose_ method finishes algorithm debugging.
NextStep The NextStep method moves to the next calculation algorithm object.
RecalcPrev The RecalcPrev method recalculates the previous calculated calculation algorithm object.
StepToObject The StepToObject method moves to the specified calculation algorithm object.
StepToSaveData The StepToSaveData method moves to the saving data to database.
Stop The Stop method stops algorithm calculation debugging.

See also:

Algo Assembly Interfaces