ABAC Assembly Interfaces

The ABAC assembly contains the following interfaces:

  Interface Brief description
IABACAttribute The IABACAttribute interface describes properties of custom attributes of users, groups of users, object classes, particular object types.
IABACAttributeInstance The IABACAttributeInstance interface is used to work with the existing attribute of users, groups of users, object classes, particular object types.
IABACAttributeInstances The IABACAttributeInstances interface is used to work with attributes of specific user, group of users, object classes, particular object types.
IABACAttributes The IABACAttributes interface is used to work with the collection of attributes of users, groups of users, object classes, particular object types.
IABACEngine The IABACEngine interface is used to calculate the specified attribute-based access control policy, which results in the determined subject access to object.
IABACEvaluateCallback The IABACEvaluateCallback interface is used to determine attribute value of the subject or object attribute is not determined during calculation of attribute-based access control policy.


The IABACEvaluatedObject interface is used to work with elements of attribute-based access control structure.
IABACPolicies The IABACPolicies interface is used to work with policies in attribute-based access control structure.
IABACPolicy The IABACPolicy interface describes properties of policy.
IABACPolicySet The IABACPolicySet interface describes properties of policies set.
IABACPolicySets The IABACPolicySets interface is used to work with policies sets in attribute-based access control structure.
IABACRootPolicyObject The IABACRootPolicyObject interface is used to work with attribute-based access control at the first level of elements hierarchy.
IABACRule The IABACRule interface describes properties of rule.
IABACRules The IABACRules interface is used to work with rules in attribute-based access control policy.
IABACTarget The IABACTarget interface is used to set up a logical expression of objective for policies set, policy, rule.
IABACUtils The IABACUtils interface is used to set up additional condition to check access using preinstalled functions.
IMetabaseSecurityClassAttributes The MetabaseSecurityClassAttributes interface is used to get the attributes collection and object type identifier.
IMetabaseSecurityClassesAttributes The IMetabaseSecurityClassesAttributes interface is used to work with the collection of custom attributes of object type.
IMetabaseSecurityObjectsAttributes The IMetabaseSecurityObjectsAttributes interface addresses classes and particular object types that are contained in the Object Classes section of the security manager.

See also:

ABAC Assembly Enumerations | ABAC Assembly Classes | Examples