

The IABACPolicies interface is used to work with policies in attribute-based access control structure.


To determine a policy in attribute-based access control, use the IABACPolicy interface.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of policies contained in attribute-based access control.
Item The Item property returns the policy from attribute-based access control by index.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a policy to attribute-based access control structure.
AddCopy The AddCopy method adds a copy of the specified policy to attribute-based access control structure.
Clear The Clear method deletes all policies from attribute-based access control.
FindById The FindById method searches for a policy in attribute-based access control by identifier.
FindByKey The FindByKey method searches for a policy in attribute-based access control by key.
IndexOf The IndexOf method returns index of policy in attribute-based access control structure.
Move The Move method moves policy among the existing policies in attribute-based access control by index.
MoveById The MoveById method moves policy among the existing policies in attribute-based access control by identifier.
MoveByKey The MoveByKey method moves policy among the existing policies in attribute-based access control by key.
Remove The Remove method removes policy in attribute-based access control by index.
RemoveById The RemoveById method removes policy in attribute-based access control by identifier.
RemoveByKey The RemoveByKey method removes policy in attribute-based access control by key.
Swap The Swap method swaps specified policies in attribute-based access control by index.
SwapById The SwapById method swaps specified policies in attribute-based access control by identifier.
SwapByKey The SwapByKey method swaps specified policies in attribute-based access control by key.

See also:

ABAC Assembly Interfaces