Aggregation (by Series)

The method aggregates data by attribute values of time series. The method is included into the Aggregation group.

To apply the method

After the method is applied, the Aggregation dialog box used to set up calculation options opens:

Define aggregation parameters:

Calculation period

Aggregation expression

Aggregation calculation method and its parameters

Parameters of moving data from one calendar frequency to the other one

Composition relevance parameters

Use of total period

Aggregation calculation options considering data hierarchy

If a formula is set up correctly, clicking the OK button closes the Aggregation dialog box. A calculated series named Aggregation and containing the calculation results is added to the data table.

Setting Up Calculation Options

To set up specific parameters aggregation, use the side panel tabs:

See also:

Calculation Methods | Aggregation | Aggregation Calculation Methods | Example of Setting Up Aggregation Calculation