Example of Setting Up Aggregation Calculation

The example shows aggregation calculation setup.

Aggregation is calculated by the following equation: Rebase(Level(Sum((BCA[t] + BCI[t]) * (BDS[t]))), 01.01.2001) - weighted sum of the BCA and BCI indicators for the selected countries, the BDS series determines weights. The Rebase and Level functions are used. Indicators dimension is called Indicators and the countries dimension is called Countries.

To set up aggregation:

  1. Select one or several series in the data table.

  2. Click the Aggregation button on the Calculations ribbon tab.

  3. Select the Aggregation option in the drop-down list of the button.

After the method is applied, the Aggregation dialog box used to set up calculation options opens:

Specify aggregation parameters in this dialog box:

Click the OK button to create a calculated series. The Aggregation series is added to the data table.

See also:

Working with Calculated Series | Calculation Methods | Aggregation | Aggregation (by Series)