

updateSourcesCaptionSize ();


The updateSourcesCaptionSize method refreshes size of the breadcrumb chain part that shows data source name.


To execute the example, the page must contain the WbkDataBox component named wbkDataBox (see WbkDataBox Constructor), and also the following code must be added in the event handler that processes document opening:

//Assign length value to breadcrumb part that displays data source name equal to 200 pixels
wbkDataBox._BreadcrumbSourceDiv.style.width = "200px";
//Create instance of the PP.Ui.Button class
var updSourceCaptSize = new PP.Ui.Button({
ParentNode: 'example', //DOM parent node
Content: "Refresh size", //title 
Click: PP.Delegate(function () {wbkDataBox.updateSourcesCaptionSize();}) //Click event handler

After executing the example the WbkDataBox component and the Refresh size button are set. In this component length of the breadcrumb chain part that contains the data series name, is set to 200 pixels. Clicking the Refresh Size button refreshes breadcrumb chain size.

See also:
