



The hide3DPanel method hides the Height Indicator panel in the map wizard.


To show the Height Indicator panel, use the MapMaster.hide3DPanel method.


To execute the example the HTML page must contain the MapMaster component named master (see Example of MapMaster and EaxMasterBox Components Layout). Add buttons to show and hide the Height Indicator wizard panel. In the BODY tag add DIV items with the IDs but1 and but2. In the SCRIPT tag add code that places buttons:

        var but1 = new PP.Ui.Button({
            ParentNode: document.getElementById("but1"),
            Content: "Hide the Volume Indicator panel",
            //If map is not shown in the 3D mode, haide the Volume indicator panel
            Click: function (sender, args) { if (master.getMapChartSL() == null) master.hide3DPanel() }
        var but2 = new PP.Ui.Button({
            ParentNode: document.getElementById("but2"),
            Content: "Show the Volume indicator panel",
            //If the map is of the SVG type, show the Volume indicator panel
            Click: function (sender, args) { if (master.getMapType() == "SVG") master.show3DPanel() }

After executing the example the Hide Height Indicator panel and Show Height Indicator Panel buttons are placed in the page. On clicking the first button the panel is hidden if the map is not shown as 3D. On clicking the second button the panel appears if SVG map type is selected.

See also:
