Working with a Map


This page contains classes and enumerations used to work with a map in the web application.


  Class name Brief description
AreaVisual The AreaVisual class implements a territory factor.
MapMaster.AreaVisualPanel The MapMaster.AreaVisualPanel class implements the Color panel of map wizard.
ArrowVisual The ArrowVisual class implements an arrow on the map.
BarVisual The BarVisual class implements a bar factor.
MapArrowBase The MapArrowBase class is an abstract class that implements basic properties of system arrows.

The MapArrowLabelPanel class is used to work with settings of arrow labels on a map.

MapArrowsPanel The MapArrowsPanel class is used to create master panel to work with arrows on the map.
MapArrowVisualPanel The MapArrowVisualPanel class is used to create master panel to work with the arrow on the map.
MapBar The MapBar class is used to work with bar factor on the map.
MapBarAxis The MapBarAxis class is used to work with axis of bar factor.
MapBarVisualPanel The MapBarVisualPanel class is used to create a master panel to work with a bar factor.
MapBubble The MapBubble class is used to work with bubble factor.
MapChart The MapChart class implements the MapChart component used to show a map.
MapChartConverter The MapChartConverter class is used to convert the object with value of the map properties of old format to the object of new format.
MapContentMilestone The MapContentMilestone class implements a milestone for which the user can assign some content.
MapDefaultSettingsProvider The MapDefaultSettingsProvider class implements basic map settings.
MapFiguredArrow The MapFiguredArrow class implements a shaped arrow.
MapFilledArrow The MapFilledArrow class implements a filled map.
MapGeoItem The MapGeoItem class determines parameters of geographic coordinates mapping to map topobase coordinates.
MapGrid The MapGrid class implements map grid.
MapImageMilestone The MapImageMilestone class implements a milestone with an image.
MapLabel The MapLabel class implements data labels.
MapLayer The MapLayer class implements a map layer.
MapMarker The MapMarker class is used to work with a milestone on the map.
MapMarkerVisualPanel The MapMarkerVisualPanel class is used to create a master panel to work with markers on the map.
MapMilestoneAnimation The MapMilestoneAnimation class implements milestone animation settings.
MapMetaAttribute The MapMetaAttribute class is an attribute of map topobase metadata.
MapMetaAttributeData The MapMetaAttributeData class implements data for map topobase metainformation attributes.
MapObject The MapObject class implements an abstract object displayed in the map.
MapPie The MapPie class is used to work with a pie factor.
MapPieVisualPanel The MapPieVisualPanel is used to create a master panel to work with a pie factor.
MapPolygonMilestone The MapPolygonMilestone class implements a polygon-shaped milestone.
MapShape The MapShape class implements map layer area.
MapSimpleArrow The MapArrowBase class implements a simple arrow.
MapTerritoryTranscript The MapTerritoryTranscript class implements the map territory info.
MapTooltipsPanel The MapTooltipsPanel class is used to create master panel to work with tooltips.
MapTopobase The MapTopobase class implements properties and methods required for working with a topobase.
MapTopobaseMeta The MapTopobaseMeta class is map topobase metadata.
MapVisualItem The MapVisualItem class used to work with map layer area factor.
PieVisual The PieVisual class implements a new pie factor.
RegionName The RegionName class describes name of a topobase region.


  Enumeration name Brief description
MapAnimationType The MapAnimationType enumeration contains animation playing modes of bar factor on the map.
MapChart.ArrowEffectsMode The MapChart.ArrowEffectsMode enumeration contains highlighting options for map arrows.
MapChart.ArrowTextOrientation The MapChart.ArrowTextOrientation enumeration lists options for positioning arrow label.
MapChart.HoverMode The MapChart.HoverMode enumeration contains options of tooltip displaying.
MapChartType The MapChartType enumeration lists techniques of map topobase rendering.
MapGridStepType The MapGridStepType enumeration lists modes of plotting horizontal and vertical grid lines.
MapMilestoneOffsetType The MapMilestoneOffsetType enumeration lists milestone offset type.
MapChart.MarkerShape The MapChart.MarkerShape enumeration lists legend marker shapes.
MapChart.NoDataPosition The MapChart.NoDataPosition enumeration contains possible positions of the No Data legend item in the map.
ScaleItemsMode The ScaleItemsMode enumeration contains items of the scales types.
ScaleMode The ScaleMode enumeration list modes of map scale displaying.
MapChart.SortingMode The MapChart.SortingMode enumeration list sorting options for items of territory info.
MapChart.StrokeStyle The MapChart.StrokeStyle enumeration contains arrow outline displaying options.
TextWrapping The TextWrapping enumeration lists text wrapping modes.
TypeArguments The TypeArguments enumeration contains types of objects used to show the factor.
Visibility The Visibility enumeration lists object visibility options.

See also:

Specification of the XML File for Map Settings | DHTML Components  | Class Library