



The getClosestBandParent method returns the first empty parent column.


Returned value - instance of the PP.Ui.DGColumn class.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the DataGrid component named grid (see Example of Creating the DataGrid Component). Add an empty column with another nested empty column to the table end:

// Change table width
var style = "border: #CCCCCC 1px solid; padding: 5px; margin: 5px; width: 350px;";
document.getElementById("dataGrid").setAttribute("style", style);
// Create a column
var column = new PP.Ui.DGColumn({
    // Set table
    DataGrid: grid,
    // Set column header
    Title: "Description of Counties",
    // Set table name
    Name: "desc",
    // Set whether column is available
    Enabled: True,
    // Set whether column contains data
    IsBand: True,
    // Set table width
    Width: 100,
    Items: [{
        // Set table
        DataGrid: grid,
        // Set row header
        Title: "Column",
        // Set row name
        Name: "new",
        // Set column width
        Width: 60,
        // Set whether column contains data
        IsBand: True
// Get table dimension
var measure = grid.getMeasures();
// Add a column to table dimension
// Add data to the current table dimension
// Refresh table

As a result, new columns are added to table:

Check if there are empty child elements in the fifth column:

// Check if there are empty child columns in the fifth column
var column5 = measure.getColumns()[4];
if (column5.hasBandChildren()) {
    console.log("There are empty child columns");
} else {
    console.log("There are no empty child columns");

As a result the console displays check result:

There are empty child columns


Get the second-level column and output header of the first parent empty column relative to this column:

// Get the second-level column
var column2 = column5.getMeasures().getColumnsByLevel()[1][0];
// Get header of the first parent empty column
console.log("Header of the first parent empty column: " + column2.getClosestBandParent().getTitle());

As a result, the console displays header of the first parent empty column:

Header of the first parent empty column: Description of Countries


Move the Country and Identifier columns to empty columns. As a result, the table will look as follows:

Get the number of cells, by which the Column column is extended:

// Get the number of cells, by which the Column column is extended
console.log("Number of cells: " + column2.getColspan());

As a result, the console displays the number of cells, by which the Column column is extended:

Number of cells: 2

See also:
