JSON Object of the TreeMap Component

JSON structure is an arranged set of values. Users can use JSON object to work with most properties and settings of the TreeMap component, for example, when creating a new component.

Seebelow JSON structure of a newly created tree map:


  "@HierarchyDepth": 3,

  "@BranchSpacing": 1,

  "@LeafBorderWidth": 1,

  "@LeafPadding": 0,

  "@LeavesSpacing": 0,

  "@LeavesOverflow": "Hidden",

  "@BranchesOverflow": "Ellipsis",

  "@AreHeadersVisible": true,

  "@LabelAutoColor": true,

  "@MaxFont": "14",

  "@MinFont": "14",

  "@HeatMap": false,

  "@Circular": false,

  "LabelsStyle": {...},

  "StartHeaderStyle": {...},

  "EndHeaderStyle": {...},

  "ItemsTooltipStyle": {...},

  "@MinAreaToShowTooltip": 0,  // Minimum size of items for which tooltips appear

  "BranchItemsTooltipStyle": {...}, // Determines style of tooltips for tree map branches

  "@SizeBasedOnChildren": true,

  "@ShowBranches": true,  // Use nesting structure of items

  "DataSources": {},

  "Scales": {},

  "Transformers": {},  // Settings of data transformations

  "Legends": {},

  "@AnimationDuration": 1000,

  "@EnableBatchData": false,

  "AreaSelection": {...},

  "@UseLegendsPacking": false,

  "@LegendsPackingMaxPart": 0.5,

  "@TabIndex": 0,

  "@IsRTL": false,

  "Anchors": [...],

  "@Id": "TreeMap18188",

  "HoverInactiveEffects": [...],

  "SelectInactiveEffects": [...],

  "MappingInactiveEffects": [...],  // Settings of effects applied to inactive items

  "@AreaSelectionAction": "ItemsSelection",  // Action on selecting area with the mouse

  "SettingsProvider": {...},  // Display settings provider

  "@Width": 0,

  "@Height": 0,

  "@Enabled": true,

  "@Class": "Released",

  "@PPType": "TreeMap",  // Object type

  "@Padding": "0 0 0 0",  // Paddings inside component

  "LegendMapping": {}


See also:
