JSON structure is an arranged set of values. Users can use JSON object to work with most properties and settings of the TreeMap component, for example, when creating a new component.
Seebelow JSON structure of a newly created tree map:
"@HierarchyDepth": 3,
"@BranchSpacing": 1,
"@LeafBorderWidth": 1,
"@LeafPadding": 0,
"@LeavesSpacing": 0,
"@LeavesOverflow": "Hidden",
"@BranchesOverflow": "Ellipsis",
"@AreHeadersVisible": true,
"@LabelAutoColor": true,
"@MaxFont": "14",
"@MinFont": "14",
"@HeatMap": false,
"@Circular": false,
"LabelsStyle": {... },
"StartHeaderStyle": {... },
"EndHeaderStyle": {... },
"ItemsTooltipStyle": {... },
"@MinAreaToShowTooltip": 0, // Minimum size of items for which tooltips appear
"BranchItemsTooltipStyle": {... }, // Determines style of tooltips for tree map branches
"@SizeBasedOnChildren": true,
"@ShowBranches": true, // Use nesting structure of items
"DataSources": {},
"Scales": {},
"Transformers": {}, // Settings of data transformations
"Legends": {},
"@AnimationDuration": 1000,
"@EnableBatchData": false,
"AreaSelection": {... },
"@UseLegendsPacking": false,
"@LegendsPackingMaxPart": 0.5,
"@TabIndex": 0,
"@IsRTL": false,
"@Id": "TreeMap18188",
"HoverInactiveEffects": [... ],
"SelectInactiveEffects": [... ],
"MappingInactiveEffects": [... ], // Settings of effects applied to inactive items
"@AreaSelectionAction": "ItemsSelection", // Action on selecting area with the mouse
"SettingsProvider": {... }, // Display settings provider
"@Width": 0,
"@Height": 0,
"@Enabled": true,
"@Class": "Released",
"@PPType": "TreeMap", // Object type
"@Padding": "0 0 0 0", // Paddings inside component
"LegendMapping": {}
See also: