

DataTransformer: PP.IDataAdapter;


The DataTransformer property determines data converter.


Property value can be set from JSON or using the setDataTransformer property.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the component named bubbleChart (see Example of Creating the BubbleChart ComponentBubbleChart component named bubbleChart (see Example of Creating the BubbleChart Component). Convert a set of values using custom converter that increases input value 20 times:

// Get object of mapping of data series and bubble chart bubbles
var colorVisual = bubbleChart.getColorVisual();
// Get data mapping settings
var mapping = colorVisual.getColorMapping();
// Describe own data transformer
PP.MyTransformer = function (settings) {
    PP.MyTransformer.base.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
PP.initClass(PP.MyTransformer, PP.Object, 'PP.MyTransformer', ['PP.IDataAdapter']);
var myTransP = PP.MyTransformer.prototype;
// Increase input value by 20 times
myTransP.getData = function (value) {
    return value * 20;
myTransP.init = myTransP.getMinData = myTransP.getMaxData = function (data) {};
// Set data mapping type
// Set own data transformer
mapping.setDataTransformer(new PP.MyTransformer());
console.log("Data transformer:");
console.log("Input: -0.05, output: " + mapping.getDataTransformer().getData(-0.05));
console.log("Input: 0, output: " + mapping.getDataTransformer().getData(0));
console.log("Input: 5, output: " + mapping.getDataTransformer().getData(5));
console.log("Input: 1000, output: " + mapping.getDataTransformer().getData(1000));

After executing the example a custom converter increasing the input value in 20 times is created, and the development environment console shows transformation results for the values -0.05, 0, 5 and 1000:

Data converter:

Input: -0.05, output: -1

Input: 0, output: 0

Input: 5, output: 100

Input: 1000, output: 20000

See also:
