
Namespace: PP.Exp;

Inheritance hierarchy







The EaxDocument class implements the express report document.


PP.initClass(PP.Exp.EaxDocument, PP.Exp.EaxAnalyzer, «EaxDocument»);


  Constructor name Brief description
sub_image.gif EaxDocument The EaxDocument constructor creates an instance of the EaxDocument class.


  Property name Brief description
property_image.gif ActiveSheetKey The ActiveSheetKey property contains key of the active sheet of the express report document.
property_image.gif DocumentMetadata The DocumentMetadata property contains information on express report document.
property_image.gif DocumentOdId The DocumentOdId method contains identifier of the express report document.


  Method name Brief description
sub_image.gif checkSheetName The checkSheetName method checks if the name of the express report document sheet is correct.
sub_image.gif getActiveSheet The getActiveSheet method returns active sheet of the express report document.
sub_image.gif getSheet The getSheet method returns sheet of express report document by its key or identifier.
sub_image.gif getSheetName The getSheetName method returns name of the express report document sheet by its key or identifier.
sub_image.gif getSheets The getSheets method returns an array of express report document sheets.
sub_image.gif removeSheet The removeSheet method deletes a sheet of express report document by its key or identifier.

Properties inherited from EaxAnalyzer class

  Property name Brief description
property_image.gif AutoUpdate The AutoUpdate property controls express report auto update.
property_image.gif BubbleChartChangedData The BubbleChartChangedData property contains changed data and metadata of express report bubble chart view.
property_image.gif BubbleChartData The BubbleChartData property contains data of the Bubble Chart express report.
property_image.gif ChartChangedData The ChartChangedData property contains changed data of express report chart.
property_image.gif ChartData The ChartData property contains data of the express report Chart view.
property_image.gif Document The Document property contains HTML document of an express report.
property_image.gif EaxParams The EaxParams property determines an array of parameters of express report.
property_image.gif GaugeData The GaugeData property determines settings for speedometer container.
property_image.gif GaugeChangedData The GaugeChangedData property determines edited settings for speedometer container.
property_image.gif GridSelectionType The GridSelectionType property contains a type of object selected in the express report table.
property_image.gif IsChanged The IsChanged property returns whether the express report is changed.
property_image.gif IsDataChanged The IsDataChanged property returns whether express report data is changed.
property_image.gif IsDefaultHighlight The IsDefaultHighlight property returns whether selection of express report elements is set by default.
property_image.gif IsHasDataAvailable The IsHasDataAvailable property determines whether requests for updating the status of the @hasData field in the dimension element metadata are to be sent when changing data in dimensions.
property_image.gif IsSelectionChanged The IsSelectionChanged property determines whether selection in the express report table has been changed.
property_image.gif MapChangedData The MapChangedData property contains changed data of the Map express report view.
property_image.gif MapData The MapData property contains data of the Map express report view.
property_image.gif PeriodicalUpdateInterval The PeriodicalUpdateInterval property determines interval of express report periodic update.
property_image.gif SelectedPart The SelectedPart property determines selected table area.
property_image.gif Selection The Selection property contains cells selected in the express report table.
property_image.gif SourceParams The SourceParams property determines an array of data source parameters.
property_image.gif StatData The StatData property contains statistic data of an express report.
property_image.gif TabFocusedCell The TabFocusedCell property contains coordinates of focused cell in the express report table.
property_image.gif TabSheetChangedState The TabSheetChangedState property contains changed settings of an express report sheet.
property_image.gif TableChangedData The TableChangedData property contains changed data of express report title.
property_image.gif TableChangedStruct The TableChangedStruct property contains modified structure of express report table.
property_image.gif TitleChangedData The TitleChangedData property contains changed data of express report title.
property_image.gif Topobase The Topobase property contains a topobase for the Map express report data view.
property_image.gif TopobaseOd The TopobaseOd property contains identifier of express report topobase as a JSON object.
property_image.gif ViewSize The ViewSize property contains express report visualizer size on using vertical or horizontal layout of visualizers.
property_image.gif WaitToken The WaitToken property sets and gets a wait token by the specified name.

Methods inherited from EaxAnalyzer class

  Method name Brief description
sub_image.gif canMapDrillUp The canMapDrillUp method checks if it is possible to drill up the selection hierarchy in the express report Map view.
sub_image.gif clearAllWaitTokens The clearAllWaitTokens method resets all wait tokens in an express report.
sub_image.gif clearDataSources The clearDataSources method resets all data sources for express report.
sub_image.gif clearDimItems The clearDimItems method removes all loaded dimension elements in an express report.
sub_image.gif clearDims The clearDims method removes all dimensions from an express report.
sub_image.gif clearMapDrill The clearMapDrill method clears map metadata.
sub_image.gif clearViewData The clearViewData method clears express report metadata.
sub_image.gif clearWaitToken The clearWaitToken method resets wait token in the express report by the specified name.
sub_image.gif getAllWaitTokens The getAllWaitTokens method returns all wait tokens.
sub_image.gif getBubbleChartId The getBubbleChartId method returns identifier of the Bubble Chart view of express report data.
sub_image.gif getCustomHierMd The getCustomHierMd method returns custom hierarchy metadata.
sub_image.gif getChartId The getChartId method returns identifier of the Chart view of the express report data.
sub_image.gif getDataSource The getDataSource method returns data source by key.
sub_image.gif getDim The getDim method returns dimension by own key and its source key.
sub_image.gif getDimFilterOdId The getDimFilterOdId method returns identifier of the express report dimension filter.
sub_image.gif getDimOdId The getDimOdId method returns moniker for express report dimension.
sub_image.gif getDimPosition The getDimPosition method returns dimension position of the cube, based on which express report is created.
sub_image.gif getDimSources The getDimSources method returns an array of dimension sources for express report.
sub_image.gif getDims The getDims method returns an array of express report dimensions.
sub_image.gif getDimsByPosition The getDimsByPosition method returns an array of report dimensions in the specified position.
sub_image.gif getDimsState The getDimsState method returns information on express report dimensions.
sub_image.gif getIndAgg The getIndAgg method returns the selected metric aggregation type.
sub_image.gif getIndicatorEls The getIndicatorEls method returns a list of metrics dimensions of the specified visualizer type.
sub_image.gif getIndValue The getIndValue method returns indicator value for express report map or bubble chart.
sub_image.gif getIsADOMD The getIsADOMD method returns whether express report is based on ADOMD cube.
sub_image.gif getIsDmHier The getIsDmHier method returns key of the dimension, for which express report dimension with the specified key is an alternative hierarchy.
sub_image.gif getIsNewReport The getIsNewReport method determines whether this express report has been previously saved.
sub_image.gif getIsPPSrvCreate The getIsPPSrvCreate method determines whether the express report is created by means of the EaxMdService service.
sub_image.gif getMapId The getMapId method returns identifier of the Map data view of express report.
sub_image.gif getMetricOdId The getMetricOdId method returns identifier of the selected visualizer metric.
sub_image.gif getPvtSortItemDimId The getPvtSortItemDimId method returns moniker for sorting of express report table.
sub_image.gif getSelectedParts The getSelectedParts method returns an array of table areas included into the current selection.
sub_image.gif getServiceTbFormat The getServiceTbFormat method transforms the specified topobase format to TopobaseFormat (platform services enumeration).
sub_image.gif getSourceName The getSourceName method returns name of an express report data source by its key.
sub_image.gif getSourcePrivateDims The getSourcePrivateDims method returns private dimension keys of the specified source.
sub_image.gif getSpecialValidDimKeys The getSpecialValidDimKeys method returns keys of the specified type of dimensions.
sub_image.gif getTabId The getTabId method returns identifier of the Table data view of express report.
sub_image.gif getTableParts The getTableParts method returns an array of all table areas.
sub_image.gif getTypeGrowth The getTypeGrowth method returns type of the specified growth indicator.
sub_image.gif hasDataSources The hasDataSources method determines whether the express report contains some changes.
sub_image.gif isMapAvailable The isMapAvailable method determines whether the Map data view is available in express report.
sub_image.gif transposeSelection The transposeSelection method transposes a range of the selected cells in express report table.
sub_image.gif waitFor The waitFor method sets the wait token for the specified operation in express report.

Properties inherited from the class PP.Mb.Object

  Property name Brief description
Metabase The Metabase property determines a repository that stores the object.
Names The Names property determines a collection of the object names for different languages.
OdId The OdId property determines a string of repository object moniker.


The Params property determines a collection of the parameters for the repository object.
PPService The PPService property determines a service for working with a repository object.
ReadOnly The ReadOnly property determines whether it is possible to edit repository object.
ShareUrl The ShareUrl property determines URL of repository object.

Methods inherited from the class PP.Mb.Object

  Method name Brief description
getIsOpened The getIsOpened method returns object opening checking result.
getRights The getRights method returns effective access permissions of the object.

Properties inherited from the class Descrtiptor

  Property name Brief description
Class The Class property determines a repository object class.
HasChildren The HasChildren property returns whether there are child objects.
IsLink The IsLink property returns whether this object is in another repository.
IsShortcut The IsShortcut property returns whether this object is a shortcut to other repository object.
Key The Key property determines a repository object key.
Metadata The Metadata property determines object metadata.
Name The Name property determines object name.


The ParentKey property determines parent object key.
TimeStamp The TimeStamp property determines date and time of the last changing of the repository object.
Visible The Visible property returns whether a repository object is visible.

Methods inherited from the class Descrtiptor

  Method name Brief description
getState The getState method returns object descriptor metadata: values of all properties of the Descriptor class.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getId The getId method returns repository object identifier.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setId The setId method determines a repository object identifier.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

See also:
