Metabase: PP.Mb.Metabase;
The Metabase property determines a repository that stores the object.
The property value is set in constructors and it is returned by the getMetabase method.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain the DimTree component named dimTree the the dim source and the dimSrv service used to work with dimensions (see Example of Creating the DimensionTree Component). Add a handler for the PPService.Executed event:
dimSrv.Executed.add(function ()
console.log("repository identifier: " + dim.getMetabase().getId() + "; Od object identifier: " + dim.getOdId().id + "; service URL: " + dim.getPPService()._PPServiceUrl)
After executing a request to service, the browser console will show data on the dimension: identifier of the repository that contains this dimension, Od object identifier, and service URL.
See also: