Toolbar Settings

The toolbar contains buttons that are used to create and set up a data entry form. The toolbar can be set up in the Toolbar Settings dialog box.

Open the dialog box

Toolbar setup modes:

Available operations:

Add a group

Add a custom button

Add a separator

Edit element

Add element to group/Exclude element from group

Change element position in the list

Set up element displaying

Delete element

To select an element while working with a data entry form, click the group button on the toolbar. Elements are displayed in a separate panel under the toolbar:

NOTE. If the group contains no elements, it is disabled on the toolbar in the data entry form edit mode, and it is not shown in the data entry form view mode.

To reset settings, select the Reset Options item in the toolbar's context menu. After this, all system and custom buttons are shown on the toolbar in the default order, and custom groups and separators added by the user are deleted.

See also:

Building Data Entry Form