A function block is used to calculate an application function.
Create a new function block
To create a new function block:
In the object navigator click the Create button in the main menu and select the object type on the New Object side panel.
In the Calculation Algorithms extension execute one of the operations:
Select the Function Block item in the drop-down menu of the Add Block button on the toolbar.
Select the Create > Function Block item in the working area's context menu.
Edit ready function block
To edit a ready function block:
In the object navigator select the block and execute one of the operations:
Select the Edit item in the block's context menu.
Select the Edit in a New Tab item in the block's context menu.
Select the Edit in a New Window item in the block's context menu.
Press F4.
In the Calculation Algorithms extension select the Edit item in the block's context menu located in the calculation tree or in the working area.
Creating and editing is executed in the function block editing wizard, in which block parameters can be set up:
Calculation block setup includes the following steps:
Setting up basic properties.
Adding parameters.
Selecting custom function.
See also:
Building Calculation Algorithm