To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Viewing Criterion Function

Viewing enables the user to look at criterion function in mathematical form and view specified coefficient values, calculated values of controlling variables and criterion function.

To view criterion function:

The Criterion Function External View dialog box opens. For example:

The Function box displays the criterion function in the mathematical form.

Criterion function elements are:

If a function contains more than 1000 elements, only the first 1000 elements are displayed, and the top right corner displays information about the total number of criterion function elements.

To view element information, click the element. The information will be displayed in the Variable Value box as follows:

Element name = {Data source name|Controlling dimension element name}

If the element is formed by several elements of controlling dimensions, all of them will be enumerated via vertical line.

To view element value and its full selection including controlling dimension elements and elements of dimensions for iterative problem solution, use the table located below the Variable Value box. After clicking the element the table is scrolled to the selected element. To display only selected element in the table, select the Show Only Selected checkbox.

To view the information in the table, in the Analytical Queries (OLAP) tool click the Open Express Report button. An express report with this information opens.

See also:

Getting Started wit the Calculation Algorithms Extension in the Web Application | Inserting and Setting Up Linear Optimization Blocks