Emulating Process Steps Execution

Emulation is used to check correctness of process steps start and execution.

NOTE. Process step simulation is available only in the desktop application.

Emulation is started for a single process step: data entry forms with specified parameters open for entry and approval steps, calculation algorithms with specified parameters open for a calculation step.

To start emulation, execute the operations:

  1. In the Set Up Business Process dialog box select a single process step in the working area or in the process tree.

  2. Click the Emulation button or select the corresponding item in the step's context menu.

  3. In the dialog box that opens set process step start parameters.

  4. In the dialog box that opens and that depends on the type of the selected step, execute the required operations:

  1. Analyze emulation results and, if required, edit process stages or steps.

See also:

Editing Processes | Starting Process