
Document is used to store and access external files with various extensions.

Files of various formats can be used as documents:

NOTE. By default, maximum document size in the web application depends on web browser settings. To limit the allowed document size on loading to repository, set the maxRequestSize attribute in the PP.xml file.

Creating a Document

To create a document in the object navigator:

After executing the operations a standard object selection dialog box opens. Select the file to be loaded to the repository as a document.

Opening a Document

To open the selected document:

The example of displaying documents:

The document is opened in the program selected by default on the computer and which corresponds to the source file format.

NOTE. A document can be opened only in the desktop application. When a document opens, its cache is created to speed up work with external files.

Changing Document Source

To change document source:

After executing the operation a standard object selection dialog box opens.

Saving Documents to File

To save a document to external file:

Limit on Allowed Document Formats in Repository

To limit loading or opening of documents in the allowed format that were loaded before, set allowed formats in the Allowed Document Formats in Repository section in the security manager.

Formats are set by means of file extension, for example: XML, XLS, PDF. If allowed formats are set, a message about security policy violation is displayed on an attempt to load or open the document that does not correspond with specified formats. By default, documents of any format can be loaded and opened.

See also:

Creating Other Objects