Database Properties

The Database Properties page is used to specify the type of the DBMS installed on the server and additional connection parameters.

Set the parameters:

If DBMS port differs from default port, the parameter value is set in the format:

When Oracle DBMS is used, server port is determined in the tnsnames.ora file.

NOTE. The parameter is available only in the desktop application.

To set up advanced database connection parameters:

NOTE. If the Use Login Credentials checkbox is selected for the database object, take into account the length of the database schema name on creating DBMS objects because using the database name for DBMS objects as a prefix results in exceeding the limit of 30 characters per name.

NOTE. The User Name and Password boxes are available if the Use Login Credentials checkbox is deselected.

The parameter is available for all DBMS types, except for ClickHouse (ODBC), Generic ODBC.

When setting up connection to ClickHouse (ODBC) and Generic ODBC DBMS, only the User Name and Password boxes are available to use the %USR% and %PWD% masks in the connectionstring. In the web application availability of the boxes depends on the state of the Substitute Credentials by Mask checkbox.

The Database Authorization dialog box opens on connecting to database:

If the Automatic Connection checkbox is selected, the connection is established automatically when objects open. If automatic connection is used, and the Use Login Credentials checkbox is selected, the user requires the Read and Write Permission for All Objects privilege to create relational objects, otherwise the attempt to create a table will return an access error. If the Use Login Credentials checkbox is deselected, one should enter credentials of the ADMIN schema owner in the User Name and Password boxed, otherwise the attempt to create a table will open an authorization dialog box.

Connection errors occur when:

Finishing Wizard Work

To finish the wizard:

See also:

Connecting to Relational Databases