Preparing DBMS Back End

Before creating a platform metadata repository, set up DBMS back end. It is recommended to study server requirements before you start working. The preparation consists of creating a database and a user that will be administrator of this database.

The setup procedure differs for different DBMS:

After executing all DBMS preparation operations, it is recommended to check user connection to the created database using DBMS means. If there will be any repository connection problems, it may also be necessary to check user access permissions and additional setup on DBMS level.


During the work, Foresight Analytics Platform creates all required requests for working with DBMS, starts and tracks transactions work. However, the important for the system work are DBMS settings that are determined on DBMS server which is not controlled by the platform. In most cases, a DBMS is installed with configuration files containing default settings. Often, such settings can have minimum allowed values. Depending on the assumed load, one can require to change volume of memory used, the number of simultaneously connections, the number of simultaneously opened cursors and other important settings. In highly loaded multi-user systems one should take into account transaction isolation level. Foresight Analytics Platform works with the read committed level; correct work with other levels is not guaranteed.

For details and setup recommendations see the special documentation for the DBMS in use.

See also:

Performance Improvement Recommendations