Connecting Custom Functions

Custom functions and methods can be used to enhance expression capabilities due to the use of custom calculation methods. Custom functions are available for use in:

Custom functions are not connected to the tools by default, and they should be entered manually in the expression each time to be used. Foresight Analytics Platform enables the user to connect custom functions to system functions in all tools defined above.

NOTE. Connecting custom functions is available for the users included in the Administrators group.

For example, in the expression editor they are displayed on the functions panel in the Custom Functions category:

To connect custom functions, use the Methods tab in the Custom Metadata section of the Parameters dialog box. All methods added on this tab will be connected to the custom functions section in the Foresight Analytics Platform tools.

To open the dialog box

The tab contains custom functions divided by folders. Folders are categories that are used to arrange and group functions. Custom functions grouped by categories are displayed in the Time Series Analysis and Modeling and Forecasting tools. In the expression editor and the Calculation Algorithms and Reports tools, custom functions are displayed without division on categories.

Requirements to custom functions:

NOTE. A custom function should have a unique name. If after a unit or assembly is selected that contains a function, which name matches with any function or system method or function added before, an exception is thrown. The use of such a unit or assembly will be unavailable.

Add a category

Add and set up a method

Edit method

Rename method or category

Set up method or category order

Remove method or category

Example of Custom Function Syntax

Functions and methods can be used as a custom function.

Custom method. Syntax:

Sub MyFunc(Factor1, Factor2: ITimeSeries; Var Output: ITimeSeries; Coef1: Double; Coef2: Double);
End Sub MyFunc;

Method parameters:

Custom function. Syntax:

Function MyFunc(Input, Input1: ITimeSeries; Coef: Double): ITimeSeries;
    Output: ITimeSeries;
    Return Output;
End Function MyFunc;

Function parameters:

See also:

Creating Formulas and Expressions