To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Report Preview and Print

Before printing a report:

  1. Determine settings of pages to be printed.

  2. Execute preview and make sure that a report looks appropriately. Preview features:

TIP. If a report containing charts is to be printed by means of a black-and-white printer, apply black-and-white formatting for charts for the best printing quality. To do this, select the Black-and-White Printing checkbox on the Print Objects tab of the Page Settings dialog box.

To print the report:

In the desktop application the Print dialog box opens to set up print options and select a printer. The page for preview and printing of the report opens in the web application. Page appearance and work order depend on the browser in use.

NOTE. A sheet with connected plugin cannot be printed.

If it is required to print multiple versions of the report depending on the selection of fixed dimensions, select the Report > Print > Batch Print main menu item. The Print Multiple Report Versions dialog box opens.

NOTE. When a report is printed and exported, the output file may display stamp No. 1 according to the No. 0126-87 Guidelines if the mandatory access control is used as the security policy, and export and print labeling is enabled for the security level.

See also:

Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | Working with Ready Report | Regular Report Batch Print