The following classes are used to work with the Mobile Application component:
Identifier | Brief description |
AddNoteDialog | The AddNoteDialog class is used to work with a note edit dialog box. |
APArea | The APArea class is used to work with an area containing dashboard objects. |
APAreaView | The APAreaView class is used to work with a visual view of the area containing dashboard objects. |
APCompositeBlock | The APCompositeBlock class is used to work with a dashboard composite block. |
APDashboard | The APDashboard class is used to work with a dashboard information block. |
APGrid | The APGrid class is used to work with a table block for dashboard. |
APKap | The APKap class is used to work with a dashboard. |
APObject | The APObject class is used to work with dashboard objects. |
APPanel | The APPanel class is used to work with the Panel container element. |
APSlideScroller | The APSlideScroller class is used to work with a dashboard slide container. |
APXMLParser | The APXMLParser class is used to get dashboard XML data. |
APXMLParserObject | The APXMLParserObject class is used to work with dashboard XML element. |
BaseSettingsViewController | The BaseSettingsViewController class is used to work with a settings menu. |
Bookmark | The Bookmark class is used to work with a regular report document tab. |
BookmarksViewController | The BookmarksViewController class is used to select regular report document tabs. |
BookmarkTableViewCell | The BookmarkTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell in the PDF document tab selection table. |
BubbleDataViewDatasource | The BubbleDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a bubble chart data source. |
BubblesOptions | The BubblesOptions class is used to work with a bubble chart settings controller. |
BubblesPalette | The BubblesPalette class is used to work with a bubble chart palette. |
BubbleTreeDataViewDataSource | The BubbleTreeDataViewDataSource class is used to work with a bubble tree data source. |
ChartDataViewDatasource | The ChartDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a chart data source. |
ChartingColorByMetric | The ChartingColorByMetric class is used to control color metric in bubble charts, maps, bubble trees and tree maps. |
ChartingColorIndicator | The ChartingColorIndicator class is used to work with fill color control settings in bubble chart and bubble tree bubbles, map territories and tree map rectangles. |
ChartingSize | The ChartingSize class is used to work with size control settings of bubble chart and bubble tree bubbles, tree map rectangles. |
ChartingSizeByMetric | The ChartingSizeByMetric class is used to work with size metric control settings in bubble charts, maps, bubble trees and tree maps. |
ChartLegendViewController | The ChartLegendViewController class is used to work with legend setup controller. |
ChartNumberFormatViewController | The ChartNumberFormatViewController class is used to work with chart number format setup controller. |
ChartPreferencesViewController | The ChartPreferencesViewController class is used to work with chart setup controller. |
ChartRowsViewController | The ChartRowsViewController class is used to work with the controller that selects data series for setup. |
ChartRowViewController | The ChartRowViewController class is used to work with chart data series settings. |
ChartSettingsViewController | The ChartSettingsViewController class is used to work with chart and axis setup controller. |
ChartTypeSelectorViewController | The ChartTypeSelectorViewController class is used to work with chart type selection controller. |
CheckmarkedCell | The CheckmarkedCell class is used to work with a basic cell containing a checkbox. |
ColorIndicatorTableViewCell | The ColorIndicatorTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a colored square. |
ColorParser | The ColorParser class is used to store colors addressed by HTML code. |
CommonTableViewCell | The CommonTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell supporting styles. |
DataViewDatasource | The DataViewDatasource class is used to work with a view data source. |
DocumentSelectorViewController | The DocumentSelectorViewController class is used to work with regular report document selection controller. |
EAReportDelegateImpl | The EAReportDelegateImpl class is used to work with express report delegate. |
FontSizeViewController | The FontSizeViewController class is used to work with font size selection controller. |
FontViewController | The FontViewController class is used to work with font selection controller. |
GridDataViewDatasource | The GridDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a table data source. |
MABaseReportViewController | The MABaseReportViewController class is used to work with a report view controller. |
MABubbleDataViewController | The MABubbleDataViewController class is used to work with a bubble chart data view controller |
MABubbleTreeDataViewController | The MABubbleTreeDataViewController class is used to work with a data view as a bubble tree. |
MAChartDataViewController | The MAChartDataViewController class is used to work with a chart data view. |
MAConditionalFormatting | The MAConditionalFormatting class is used to work with basic settings of table cell conditional formatting. |
MAConditionalFormattingHelper | The MAConditionalFormattingHelper class is used to work with conditional formatting basic helper. |
MAConditionalFormattingPool | The MAConditionalFormattingPool class is used to work with conditional formatting settings pool. |
MAConditionalFormattingPoolKey | The MAConditionalFormattingPoolKey class is used to work with conditional formatting settings pool key. |
MAConditionalFormattingRule | The MAConditionalFormattingRule class is used to work with conditional formatting rule settings. |
MAConditionalFormattingRuleGlobalHelper | The MAConditionalFormattingRuleGlobalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting rule settings applied to the whole grid. |
MAConditionalFormattingRuleLocalHelper | The MAConditionalFormattingRuleLocalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting rule settings applied to grid cells. |
MAConditionalFormattingRulePreparedData | The MAConditionalFormattingRulePreparedData class is used to work with predefined rule-based conditional formatting settings. |
MAConditionalFormattingRules | The MAConditionalFormattingRules class is used to work with rule-based conditional formatting settings. |
MAConditionalFormattingRulesGlobalHelper | The MAConditionalFormattingRulesGlobalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting settings, based on a rule and applied to the whole grid. |
MAConditionalFormattingRulesLocalHelper | The MAConditionalFormattingRulesLocalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with rule-based conditional formatting rules and applied to grid cells. |
MAConditionalFormattingScale | The MAConditionalFormattingScale class is used to work with conditional formatting settings based on color scale. |
MAConditionalFormattingScaleGlobalHelper | The MAConditionalFormattingScaleGlobalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting settings based on color scale and applied to the whole grid. |
MAConditionalFormattingScaleLocalHelper | The MAConditionalFormattingScaleLocalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting settings based on color scale and applied to grid cells. |
MADashboardReportDelegateImpl | The MADashboardReportDelegateImpl class is used to work with dashboard controller delegates. |
MADashboardReportViewController | The MADashboardReportViewController class is used to work with dashboard controller |
MADashboardReportViewControllerFactory | The MADashboardReportViewControllerFactory class is used to create dashboard controller. |
MADataReportActionViewController | The MADataReportActionViewController class is used to work with report action controller. |
MADataReportFavoriteSaveViewController | The MADataReportFavoriteSaveViewController class is used to work with controller for saving report in favorites. |
MADataReportSettingsViewController | The MADataReportSettingsViewController class is used to work with report parameter controller. |
MADataReportViewController | The MADataReportViewController class is used to work with the report containing several different data views. |
MADataViewController | The MADataViewController class is used to work with data view controller. |
MADataViewDatasourceTitleUtils | The MADataViewDatasourceTitleUtils class is used to create parametric titles. |
MADimensionsPanelDimensionDescriptor | The MADimensionsPanelDimensionDescriptor class is used to work with description of report dimension. |
MADimensionsPanelDimensionElementDescriptor | The MADimensionsPanelDimensionElementDescriptor class is used to work with parameters of report dimension element. |
MADimensionsPanelTableViewController | The MADimensionsPanelTableViewController class is used to work with dimension panel controller. |
MADimensionsPanelTableViewDelegate | The MADimensionsPanelTableViewDelegate class is used to work with a dimension panel delegate. |
MAElementDataSourceRoleSelectorViewController | The MAElementDataSourceRoleSelectorViewController class is used to work with controller for selecting modes of metric use by maps and bubble charts. |
MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController | The MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController class is used to work with an express report view. |
MAExpressAnalysisReportViewControllerFactory | The MAExpressAnalysisReportViewControllerFactory class is used to create data view controllers in express report and its delegate. |
MAGridCellStyle | The MAGridCellStyle class is used to work with table cell style. |
MAGridDataViewController | The MAGridDataViewController class is used to work with a data view as a table. |
MAGridDataViewControllerExpanderInfo | The MAGridDataViewControllerExpanderInfo class is used to pass collapsed expander coordinates. |
MAGridDataViewControllerSelection | The MAGridDataViewControllerSelection class is used to create a cell selection area in table view. |
MAGridDelegate | The MAGridDelegate class is used to work with a grid delegate. |
MAGridProxyDataSource | The MAGridProxyDataSource class is used to work with a grid proxy data source. |
MAImageDataViewController | The MAImageDataViewController class is used to work with an image view. |
MAMapData2DViewController | The MAMapData2DViewController class is used to work with a data view as SVG map. |
MAMapData3DViewController | The MAMapData3DViewController class is used to work with a data view as a 3D map. |
MAMapDataBubbleViewController | The MAMapDataBubbleViewController class is used to work with a data view as an Apple map. |
MAMapDataViewContainerController | The MAMapDataViewContainerController class is used to work with a map container. |
MAMapDataViewController | The MAMapDataViewController class is used to work with a map data view. |
MapDataViewDatasource | The MapDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a map data source. |
MAProceduralReportDataViewController | The MAProceduralReportDataViewController class is used to work with a sheet vewer view in regular report. |
MAProceduralReportDataViewControllerBase | The MAProceduralReportDataViewControllerBase class is used to work with a regular report sheet viewer view. |
MAProceduralReportExtDataViewController | The MAProceduralReportExtDataViewController class is used to view a sheet from the regular report sheet set. |
MAProceduralReportViewController | The MAProceduralReportViewController class is used to work with a regular report visualizer view. |
MAProceduralReportViewControllerDelegateImpl | The MAProceduralReportViewControllerDelegateImpl class is used to work with a regular report delegate. |
MAProceduralReportViewControllerFactory | The MAProceduralReportViewControllerFactory class is used to create regular report views and its delegate. |
MAReportAccessRights | The MAReportAccessRights class is used to work with express report access permissions. |
MASeparatorView | The MASeparatorView class is used to work with a container separator. |
MATextDataViewController | The MATextDataViewController class is used to work with a text data view. |
MATreeMap3DViewController | The MATreeMap3DViewController class is used to work with a basic data view as a tree map. |
MATreeMapDataViewController | The MATreeMapDataViewController class is used to work with a data view as a tree map. |
MAWebDataViewController | The MAWebDataViewController class is used to work with a web page view. |
Note | The Note class is used to work with a note in regular report document. |
NotesViewController | The NotesViewController class is used to select a note in a regular report. |
PanelView | The PanelView class is used to work with a dimension panel controller. |
PanelViewController | The PanelViewController class is used to work with a controller that controls dimension panel container. |
PdfPage | The PdfPage class is used to work with a PDF page. |
PdfPageSelector | The PdfPageSelector class is used to work with a view for selecting regular report sheet pages. |
PdfPageView | The PdfPageView class is used to work with a PDF page view. |
PdfSearchResultsViewController | The PdfSearchResultsViewController class is used to work with a search result view. |
PdfView | The PdfView class is used to work with a PDF document view. |
ProceduralActionMenuViewController | The ProceduralActionMenuViewController class is used to work a regular report action view. |
ProceduralDocumentView | The ProceduralDocumentView class is used to display DOC and XLS documents. |
ProceduralOptionsViewController | The ProceduralOptionsViewController class is used to work with a regular report document action view. |
SettingsCell | The SettingsCell class is used to work a basic cell of menu settings. |
SettingsCheckmarkedCell | The SettingsCheckmarkedCell class is used to work with a cell containing a checkbox. |
SettingsCheckmarkedColorCell | The SettingsCheckmarkedColorCell class is used to work with a cell containing a checkbox and a colored square. |
SettingsCheckmarkedSpinnerCell | The SettingsCheckmarkedSpinnerCell class is used to work with a cell containing a checkbox and value editor as a counter. |
SettingsColorPicker | The SettingsColorPicker class is used to work with a palette color selection controller. |
SettingsColorTableViewCell | The SettingsColorTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a colored square. |
SettingsDetailCheckmarkedCell | The SettingsDetailCheckmarkedCell class is used to work with a cell containing a checkbox and a detailed description. |
SettingsDetailTextTableViewCell | The SettingsDetailTextTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a text editor and a detailed description. |
SettingsPaletteSelector | The SettingsPaletteSelector class is used to work with a color scheme selection controller. |
SettingsSpinnerTableViewCell | The SettingsSpinnerTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a value editor as a counter. |
SettingsSwitchTableViewCell | The SettingsSwitchTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a switch. |
SettingsTextInputCell | The SettingsTextInputCell class is used to work with a cell containing a text editor with ability to set up style. |
SpinnerTableViewCell | The SpinnerTableViewCell class is used to work with a basic cell containing a value editor as a counter. |
SplitView | The SplitView class is used to work with a container divided into two data views. |
SplitViewController | The SplitViewController class is used to work with a controller containing a container with separator. |
SplitViewTitleView | The SplitViewTitleView class is used to work with a title of the container divided into two data views. |
SwitchTableViewCell | The SwitchTableViewCell class is used to work with a basic cell containing a switch. |
TextInputTableViewCell | The TextInputTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a text editor. |
TouchTransparentView | The TouchTransparentView class is used to work with an area that is available for sensor interaction with a user. |
See also: