The MAImageDataViewController class is used to work with an image view.
imageData. Image in the binary data format.
barButtonItems. Determines array of buttons for executing operations on the view controller.
dataViewTitle. Determines view title.
delegate. Determines the object executing delegated operations on the view controller.
hasAppeared. Determines whether controller displayed data.
hasControls. Determines whether there are view controls.
hasSettingsController. Determines whether there is a view settings controller.
isAvailable. Determines whether view controller is available for interaction.
isDataViewTitleVisible. Determines view title visibility.
isDoingCalculations. Determines whether controller executes calculations.
settingsController. Determines view settings controller.
tag. It is a controller property used to store additional custom data.
title. Determines view controller title.
view. Controller view.
canGeneratePDFContent. Returns whether view contents can be generated as a PDF file.
captureScreenshotToContext:. Displays screenshot in specified drawing context.
generatePDFWithCompletionBlock:. Generates view contents as a PDF file.
loadState. Loads view state.
reloadData. Reloads source data.
saveState. Saves view state.
screenshot. Returns controller contents screenshot.
settingsControllerClosed:. Closes settings bar.
startInteraction. Locks user interaction with controller.
stopInteraction. Unlocks user interaction with controller.
updateDataWithGridSelection. Refreshes data after setting of selection.
base64DataFromString. Decodes base64 string into binary image data.
See also: