

The <MADataViewControllerDelegate> protocol is used to execute delegated operations on view controller.

Supported Protocols



configurationForDataViewController:. Returns view controller settings dictionary.

dataViewController:availabilityUpdated:. Informs the delegate about start or end of user operation handling.

dataViewController:showSettingsController:fromView:. Displays view settings bar.

dataViewControllerChangedSelection:. Refreshes the controller after changing data source selection.

dataViewControllerDidFinishCalculations:. Informs the delegate that the controller ends handling user operations.

dataViewControllerHideSettings:. Hides view settings menu.

dataViewControllerReadyForScreenshot:. Prepares the view for creating a screenshot.

dataViewControllerReloadTitle:. Refreshes view controller title.

dataViewControllerWillStartCalculations:. Informs the delegate that the controller starts handling user operations.

setBarButtonItems:forDataViewController:. Sets array of buttons to view navigation bar.

setState:forDataViewController:. Saves view controller state.

stateForDataViewController:. Returns the saved view controller state.

See also:

Protocols. The Mobile Application Component