

The MABaseReportViewController class is used to work with report view controller.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Supported Protocols






The class is a base one for the following classes:


canGeneratePDFContent. Determines whether a PDF file with report is created.

delegate. Determines the object that is used to work with report view controller.

isPopoverShown. Determines whether a popup window is displayed.

pdfContentTitle. Determines PDF file name.

reportTitle. Determines report title.

screenshot. Determines report contents screenshot.

waiterView. Sets modal window with report loading indicator.


composeMail. Displays mailing window.

generatePDFWithCompletionBlock:. Saves report as PDF file.

hideActivityIndicator. Hides report loading indicator.

hidePopover. Hides the current popup window.

hideWaiter. Hides the modal window with report loading indicator.

initWithDelegate:. Initializes report.

loadState. Loads report state.

saveState. Saves report state.

showActivityIndicator. Displays the modal window with report loading indicator.

showInPopover:fromBarButtonItem:. Displays controller in the popup window from the specified element.

showInPopover:fromView:. Displays the controller in the popup window from the specified view.

showInPopover:fromView:inRect:permittedArrowDirections:. Displays the controller in the popup window from the specified view with the specified arrow direction.

showWaiterWithTitle:andMessage:. Displays the modal window with report loading indicator, specified title and message.

See also:

Classes. The Mobile Application Component