Getting Started with the Interactive Data Entry Forms Extension

To get started with the extension, create a new or open a ready data entry form.

Create a new data entry form

Open ready data entry form

To build a form, see the Building Data Entry Form article.

To work with a ready form, see the Working with Ready Data Entry Form article.

The main window of the Interactive Data Entry Forms extension:

Data Entry Form

Data entry form window in the view mode

Data entry form window elements

Setting Up the Interactive Data Entry Forms Extension

To set up the Interactive Data Entry Forms extension, use the Parameters dialog box.

NOTE. The Parameters dialog box is available only in the desktop application. Use it on creating or editing the form.

To open the Parameters dialog box

The General tab contains settings:

The checkbox is selected by default.

For each data entry form it is possible to set up folders containing indicators and dimensions that are used in data entry form and set parameters of automatic form refresh. If paths to folders of cube-indicators and dimensions were set, then on building a table area on the Table Area Structure tab hierarchy in dimension tree and indicators tree will be displayed by default to contents of the corresponding folder.

See also:

Building Data Entry, Control and Approval Forms | Building Data Entry Form | Working with Ready Data Entry Form