Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series > Missing Data Treatment
To choose missing data treatment method that is used to calculate missing values in variables, use the Missing Data Treatment side panel tab.
NOTE. Missing data treatment is available for calculated series, calculated using regression, forecasting methods or smoothing methods.
If the missing data treatment is required, select the Apply checkbox and select one of the methods:
Casewise. Default. Empty values are excluded from the series. They are ignored in the calculation.
Geometric Interpolation. Empty values of the series are calculated using geometric interpolation.
Cubic Spline Interpolation. Empty values of the series are calculated using cubic spline interpolation.
Linear Interpolation. Empty values of series are calculated using linear interpolation by two neighboring points.
Linear Trend. Empty values of series are calculated using linear trend.
Previous Value. Empty values of series are replaced with the previous non-empty value.
Random Value. Empty values of series are replaced with a random number that belongs to the interval [minimum series value; maximum series value].
Succeeding Value. Empty series values are replaced with the succeeding non-empty value.
Average. Empty values of series are calculated as average.
N-Point Average. Empty values of series are calculated as N-point average. The number of N points can be specified in the Parameter box.
Previous Growth Rate. Empty values of series are calculated based on growth rate of existing values in comparison with the previous period. The number of periods can be specified in the Parameter box.
Succeeding Growth Rate. Empty values of series are calculated based on growth rate of existing values in comparison with the succeeding period. The number of periods can be specified in the Parameter box.
Value. Empty values of series are replaced with the value selected in the Parameter box.
Custom. A custom method of missing data treatment is used.
NOTE. The use of custom method of missing data treatment is available if the series is calculated using aggregation by indicators.
To set up custom method, use the Fore language.
If the custom method has been replaced with a standard one, and the changes have been saved, the user cannot select a custom method of missing data treatment in this drop-down list.
See also:
Working with Calculated Series | Methods of Missing Data Treatment | Modeling Container Missing Data Substitution | IModelling.Fill