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Library of Methods and Models > Transformations > Missing Data Treatment

Missing Data Treatment

Missing data treatment fills in empty series values using various methods of missing data treatment.

Let we have M observations {x1x2, …, xM} of the data series X. Some of the observations are missing, that is, corresponding Xi contain no data. Data may be missing in any position: at the beginning or end of the sample, there can be a single missing observation, or a continuous series of missing data.

Let us use the following symbols:

Available methods:

If the calculating interval falls outside the array range, the average is calculated based on the available observations.

where a0, a1 – estimated coefficients of the linear trend.

where Randbetween is the function that generates random values that belong to the specified range.

Where: pch(x(t))=(x(t)/x(t-1)-1)*100.

Where: pch(x(t))=(x(t)/x(t-1)-1)*100.

Missing Data Treatment Methods

The Geometric Interpolation method may leave treated missing data if the values of xi and i have different sign, or at least one of these values is zero.

The methods Overlay and Pattern of missing data treatment may leave missing data if the specified series contains missing data or is empty.

The methods Growth Rate to Specified Number of Succeeding Periods and Growth Rate to Specified Number of Previous Periods may leave missing data if the specified range of previous or succeeding periods (based on which the growth rate is calculated) also has missing data.

See also:

Modeling Container: The Missing Data Substitution Model | Time Series Analysis:  Missing Data Treatment | IModelling.Fill | ISmFillGapsProcedure