Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series > Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters > Regression > Non-Linear Regression
The method performs non-linear transformations on data. It is included in the Regression group.
In the desktop application after the method is applied, the expression editor opens. Use it to set the non-linear regression calculation formula.
NOTE. The formula must contain at least one coefficient and one explanatory series, at least non-linear data transformation cannot be performed.
For example: (Benin|A + Sudan|A) / 2 * f1, where Benin|A, Sudan|A are explanatory series, f1 is a coefficient.
If the formula is set correctly, clicking the OK button closes the expression editor. A calculated series named Non-linear Regression (<Output_series_name>) and containing calculation results is added to the workbook. For example:
Features of setting the non-linear regression calculation formula in the web application
To edit a non-linear regression formula, click the formula on the Equation tab on the Statistics panel. The expression editor opens. Make required changes.
To set up specific calculation parameters, use:
Side panel tabs:
Parameters. Enables the user to change basic calculation parameters: output series and confidence limits relevance.
Estimation Parameters. Enables the user to set up parameters of coefficient values autofit, used on method calculation.
The Equation tab on the statistics panel. Enables the user to set values of initial approximations.
See also:
Working with Calculated Series | Calculation Method Non-linear Regression | Modeling Container Non-linear Regression (Non-Linear OLS Estimation)