Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series > Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters > Regression > Linear Regression (OLS)
The Linear Regression (OLS) method is calculated. It is included in the Regression group.
After the method is applied, the calculated series of the Linear Regression (<Explanatory_Variables_List>) type based on the selected series and containing calculation results is added to the workbook. For example:
To set up factors used in the method, use the Equation group of tabs on the side panel. For details see the Setting Up Factors section.
To set up calculation parameters, use the Parameters side panel tab.
Method parameters:
Output Series. Specify the series for loading output results.
Constant. If the checkbox is selected, the model uses a constant. Specify the calculation method for the constant:
Estimate. The constant value is estimated automatically on method calculation. The value is displayed in the input box to the right.
Set. The constant value is specified by the user in the corresponding box.
Autoregression. By default the checkbox is deselected. If the checkbox is selected, the autoregression coefficients are used in the model.
Moving Average. By default the checkbox is deselected. If the checkbox is selected, the model uses the moving average coefficients.
TIP. Enter numbers or ranges of the moving average and autoregression order divided by commas. Specify order range using the - sign. For example: 1-3,5,7-9. In the desktop application, use the Parameters of ARMA Estimation side panel tab to set up autoregression and moving average parameters.
Confidence Limits Relevance. Set the importance level of confidence limits for a forecast series. Available values range: [0; 1]. The default value is 0.95.
See also:
Working with Calculated Series | Setting Up Factors | Least-Squares Method | Modeling Container Linear Regression (OLS Estimation) | IModelling.Ols