Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IControl > IControl.Color
Color: IGxColor;
The Color property determines a component background color.
The drop-down list of values is implemented in the object inspector for this property. This list contains four groups of colors:
Standard colors. Group of colors with fixed values of the R, G, B component. The list of these colors corresponds to the GxKnownColor enumeration list.
Windows theme colors. Group of colors that depend on the color scheme used in the operating system. The list of these colors corresponds to the GxSystemColor enumeration list.
Platform theme colors. Group of colors depending on the formatting theme used in the platform. The list of these colors corresponds to the GxThemeColor enumeration type.
Other. Group that contains custom colors. The Pick color item enables the user to open a standard dialog box of color selection. The Enter Color HEX Code item enables the user to specify the color code manually. The list of custom colors is saved in the registry of the operating system and can contain not more than fifty values. If this limit is exceeded, the colors that were added earlier are deleted. If the custom color that is not present in the Others list is used on the form, it is added to the list automatically when the form is opened.
See also: