Report > Report Assembly Classes > UiPrxReportAuditOperationEventArgs > UiPrxReportAuditOperationEventArgs.Create
Create(UiRep: IUiReport; Report: IPrxReport; Cancel: Boolean);
UiRep. The component, for which the event is generated.
Report. The regular report, operations on which are logged.
Cancel. The parameter determines whether an operation is logged. When the property is set to True, operation is not logged, when the property is set to False, operation is logged. You can cancel logging (True) only for a repeated operation. Only the Export To Web operation can be executed as a repeated operation (PrxReportAuditOperation.Export And Args.FromWeb)
The Create constructor creates arguments of the EventOnAuditOperation event and enables the user to cancel saving to log for redo operation. The method is called automatically when the event occurs to create its arguments.
See also: