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Report > Report Assembly Classes

Report Assembly Classes

The following classes are available within the Report assembly:

  Class Brief description
The IGetDataAreaHintArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the event that occurs on changing metadata of formula cell contents.
The PrxFlashCallEventArgs class is used to create custom arguments of the FlashCallAction event.
The PrxFlashFSCommandEventArgs class is used to create custom arguments of the FSCommandAction event.
The PrxReport class implements an object that enables the user to work with active regular report.
The PrxReportExporter class implements an object that contains various settings and supports exporting the regular report to various formats.
The ReportBeforeExpanderChangedEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs before toggling expander in a table cell.
The ReportBeforeObjectAngleChangeEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the event occurring before object rotation.
The ReportBeforeObjectRectChangeEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the event that occurs before moving or resizing an object.
The ReportBox class introduces component of the development environment that enables the user to display data of regular reports.
The ReportCellContentChangeEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the ReportBox.OnChangeCellContent event (change of table cell contents).
The ReportCellEventArgs class implements an argument of events related to a table cell.
The ReportColumnEventArgs class implements an argument of events related to a table column.
The ReportColumnResizeEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs after a table column is resized.
The ReportColumnResizingEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs at each visible change of table column's size.
The ReportEditorEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs on editing cell text.
The ReportEventArgs class implements argument of the ReportBox component events.
The ReportEvents class contains methods implementing regular report events.
The ReportExpanderChangedEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs on toggling expander in a table cell.
The ReportFormulaBar class is used to work with component of the ReportFormulaBar development environment.
The ReportHyperlinkClickEventArgs class implements an argument of the events generated on clicking a hyperlink in a table cell.
The ReportInteractiveSelectionChangeEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs at the moment moving selected cell area.
The ReportInteractiveSelectionEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs on moving selected cell area.
The ReportRangeDeleteEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of events that occur on removing ranges/rows/columns.
The ReportRangeInsertEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of events that occur on adding ranges/rows/columns.
The ReportRowEventArgs class implements arguments of events related to a table row.
The ReportRowResizeEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs after a table row is resized.
The ReportRowResizingEventArgs class implements an argument of the event that occurs at each visible change of table row's size.
UiPrxControlCancelEventArgs The UiPrxControlCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of events that occur before removing a control.
UiPrxControlEventArgs The UiPrxControlEventArgs class is used to create custom arguments of the event that occurs on changing control value.
UiPrxDataIslandEventArgs The UiPrxDataIslandEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of data area events.
UiPrxEaxGridCancelEventArgs The UiPrxEaxGridCancelEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the events that occur on refreshing analytical data area.
UiPrxEaxGridEventArgs The UiPrxEaxGridEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the events that occur on adding/removing analytical data area.
UiPrxFormulaIslandEventArgs The UiPrxFormulaIslandEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of formula area events.
The UiPrxReportAuditOperationEventArgs class is used to create custom arguments of the EventOnAuditOperation event.
UiPrxSheetEventArgs The IUiPrxSheetEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of report sheet events.
UiPrxTableIslandEventArgs The UiPrxDataIslandEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of relational data area events.
The UiReport class implements the UiReport development environment component that is used to link the ReportBox and ReportControlPanel visual components with repository regular reports.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces | Report Assembly Enumerations | Examples